Studio equipment
I would like to set-up a studio at home, but am toatally overwhelmed with what to buy. I need lights and reflecters,(do I) can anyone tell me which ones I should buy, that is of good quality. I have a Nikon D70 at the moment and also a speedlight SB-800.
I do not have alot of natural light
Also what is the best color to use for a backdrop, or is it a personal choice?
I do not have alot of natural light
Also what is the best color to use for a backdrop, or is it a personal choice?
Here's a start:
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For a backdrop...I personally prefer "BLACK", and use Rosco therater Gels over the back light(s) to change the background to different colors.
I am about to put a studio set up into the Flea has served me well but I am moving to europe and will buy new when I get over there (don't want to hassel with power converters),,,,,setup I will be selling will be 3 lights, 2 white umbrellas (shoot thru white), 2 backgrounds (1 blk and 1 a fantasy world / moon -used for single portraits),3 stands, a very good assortment of colored gels and costume jewelry and flash meter.
Lights [Paul C Buff White Lightening 5000] are all mono-lights /w built in slaves.
When you decide to sell your lighting equipment, please post it here and give us a crack at it.
Of course....right now I am just getting everyting together and making sure I can get it boxed as small as possible for shipping....and I will post a pic or two of it.
Alien Bees are solid strobes and entry level prices. (They are actually made by the White Lightning folks)
Portable flash lighting is fine if that's what you need. Like multiple on-camera flash units. But if you can get monolights, you will have so much more flexibility. The power and recycle times will spoil you over your battery powered flash.
I started with one AB800, a large softbox and a big sheet of white foam core as a reflector. It's good to start simple, learn as much as you can and add lights as you need them.
For my backgrounds, I got 10'x12' black muslin backdrop and some white seamless paper. I agree with Art, you can change the colors with gels.
Here are some portrait examples:
And the seamless paper is good for product shots:
I would be interested but how much, all I need will be the lights and umbrellas, and also could you find out postage to Japan.
Not sure if your power supply will work here...would it?
Thank you
I am about to put a studio set up into the Flea has served me well but I am moving to europe and will buy new when I get over there (don't want to hassel with power converters),,,,,setup I will be selling will be 3 lights, 2 white umbrellas (shoot thru white), 2 backgrounds (1 blk and 1 a fantasy world / moon -used for single portraits),3 stands, a very good assortment of colored gels and costume jewelry and flash meter.
Lights [Paul C Buff White Lightening 5000] are all mono-lights /w built in slaves.[/quote]
The best secret in the studio photography world is White Lightning studio lights. They are monlights. I would recommend the Ultra-Zap series. They are the best bargain for quality on the market. I have been using mine for 5 years, and they are as good as new. See my website for some examples:
All studio images on the website are with the white lightning lights. They are very easy to use, and have made me happier than any other brand I have worked with.
Visit their website at:
You can get setup with 2 monolights for $800 or less. They also sell stands, softboxes, umbrellas, etc. I would recommend a large softbox, and the double sided umbrellas.