sweet cigarettes
this must be played on a very high volume but its worth it.
This is a religion
No, this is a drag
That man over there is smoking sweet cigarettes
Hey look at that fag
This is a religion
No, this is a drag
That man over there is smoking sweet cigarettes
Hey look at that fag

I saw you swim
Sink to your grave
Down to Davy Jone's locker
Under the waves
Don't say "Thank god for simple truths
Take me for a ride
The shutters were never open
The days I used to hide
I never knew
I should have said
Curled up in bed
Don't drink the water, baby
Don't drink the water, baby
Deep as the ocean, they named a sea after you
Don't drink the water, baby
Don't drink the water, baby
Don't drink the water, baby (don't drink the water, baby)
Don't drink the water, baby (don't drink the water, baby)
fantastic shot
smugmug: www.StandOutphoto.smugmug.com
thanks. just for laughs and fyi. thats halfway across the hudson river. new york city is about 50 miles south to the left down river. west point is about 10 minutes same direction. albany is about 90 miles north to the right. Orange County choppers is about 10 minutes straight ahead. west on I84. Keep going you'll be in PA in about 45 minutes. keep going you'll be in scranton in about 2 hours. get on I 80 you'll be in Frisco in about 3-4 days. depends on what camera you're driving with.
i'll be sure to remember that if i'm up there:D
smugmug: www.StandOutphoto.smugmug.com
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I've been trying to get something similar but find the car shakes too much and "everything" is way blurred instead of the "warp speed" I'm after.
~Morihei Ueshiba~
the strength of the lights on the bridge seem to offer enough to give the picture some life, and the lack of competing sunlight offer enough to give the warp speed as you call it. I'm still waiting for the perfect February bridge shot. I need to ride in the middle lane more..
mornings just don't have the same effect.
I could post some lyrics to Heart of the Sunrise by Yes but I'm too lazy to google them.
did you have a nice drive home?
This summer's wilderness photography project: www.tessa-hd.smugmug.com/gallery/3172341