challenge format question
Andy...andy wrote:dgrin challenge 22 is here. it will run from monday, september 20th at 12:01am nyc time, through monday, october 4th at noon nyc time. the guest judge this is going to be the winner of challenge 21, determined by the voters. we'll continue the what we started in challenge 20 for comments and critiques... it's all explained here.
Wasn't challenge 20 the "Gallery Method?" If so... Why am I seeing new threads posted? Why can't I locate the Gallery? I thought that I would be able to go to the Challenge 20 Gallery, and find a sub-gallery for 22, or some such thing.... Would be nice if we could bookmark to the same main address each week, and then go there and move forward to the date we need....
Normally I think "I'm not so dim, but not being able to find the posts is making me stir crazy...."
I have been watching the DP Review of late. There is really something nice in the annonimity when submitting and voting... I really like that you don't know who the person is until it's all over. Eliminates some of the "politics" which inevitably occurs. Just a thought.
"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
we've switched now for two challenges, and this is the way we're doing comments and critiques.
you put *challenge XX (photo title) in the title of your thread .
btw - all of the fora on dpreview do their challenges in a different way. don't know which forum you are referring to, but they're all run independently (canon, nikon, sony etc)
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One comment about the challenge format for 22 - Posters seem to create new thread after new thread for different pictures until it is very hard to follow. What I did for Challenge 21, was to create ONE (1) thread for my images - that way I only had to follow my one thread and anyone who wished to see any of my images could find them all in one place with sequential discussion. I could also find other posters threads and do the same.
But now it seems some posters are creating thread after thread after thread - I doubt any of us are going to try to wade through voluminous threads packed with mutliple images in various levels of processing and try to make sense of it all. I think each poster should limit themselves voluntarily to just one thread in which they post their images for discussion. If there are so many images they will not fit in one thread, maybe some edting by the thread owner is appropriate before uploading so many pictures. Just my two cents - any one agree with this suggestion?
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
TML Photography
You did post in my thread for challenge 21, TML, and I could easily find your comments and reply to them and even post updated images for repeated comparisons. I truly appreciated your comments. I thought my single thread went very nicely.
I think if we are going to post more than one or two images AS I DID, we need to try to make it interesting and entertaining for our readers also. After all if they are going to give us the courtesy of their views, we should try to be gracious and appreciative and not EXPECT that our viewers owe us their time and effort.
Thank you again TML
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Your way is the best way, Pathfinder. No need for a new thread for each image. Much easier to have one thread per phtographer. Much, much easier. And far more likely to get comments, because the thread won't get lost.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
I don't participate in the challenges here anymore, so my opinion probably doesn't mean much..but anyway, my 2 cents.
I think the number of new threads created for the challenges is out of control. It makes it hard for me to find the threads I want to read. One thread per photographer is great, one per photo is a pain. I still follow the challenge and vote, so I am interested in having the area "cleaned up" a little.
Dave (gallery)
Plus I can't take my threads off when I am through with them, or change the title, I have tried both, and I have tried taking the * off and that doesn't work.
I am basically through with my entry, unless something happens. Now I planned on going around and paying attention to other people's work.
I don't care how it is posted, personally.
Ginger, the way we all know something is new is that it jumps to the top of the message thread list. The way you know there's someone new who replied is to look at your thread and look at the "last poster".
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I have started no new threads in this section. Worry not.
I agree with you... TOO many Threads, Much to Much to wade through...
I was away for three days, and arrived back to find far too many threads for me to try and keep up with. Will go through them as I can, but I realize I will fall short... I too think it best to post all of my entries into one thread post...
Why have you chosen NOT to participate in the challenges anymore? I am curious, as I have noticed that quite a few "Old Regulars," have dropped off... (Fish, Humungus, Damonoff...) Is there one particular reason? Many? Are they thoughts that you are able to put onto the screen so that they can be discussed, and hopefully, come to a resolution? It saddens me when I see some of the "greats" are no longer posting, and now you've added your name to the list... Please do try and tell us why you've mde this choice...
Missing the compatriots...