How to get photos for sale noticed
I am a new pro user and have photos that I would like to sell. But I don't have a clue on how to get the word out that they are there and attract interest to them. Can anybody out there help me get started?
These are some the questions you need to answer first. Then you can fine tune a plan on where to best reach who you are marketing to.
Others will help with recommending books. There are tons of them for how to succeed in the photography business. But again, is it a business for you? If so, what, fine art, weddings, sports, what?
It also help to have your website availabe in your profile here on dgrin. I went to look at your site and I wasn't able to because you didn't have it listed.
Here's a start, it's the first sticky in this forum:
Answers to Khaos' questions would be very helpful, too.... Standing by!
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You can see how green I am on this. I don't have a separate website of my own, and don't have a clue where to start. Didn't know I would need something separate if I had the pictures up here. I have my pictures up in "almost famous photographers" and "flowers, flowers and more flowers".
I also saw something under one of the other threads about having a "contact me button" prominent in the listings but don't know how to set that up. If I don't need a separate website to do this, how do people get to be able to see my pictures? I do have a lot of keywords out there, and can find them that way. Any help you can give would be appreciated.
Most of my pictures are landscapes or other outdoor/nature pictures.
Do you have a smugmug site? If not, we can help you:
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Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
I looked at your response to my query and followed up on some of your suggestions. I didn't know how to set up my smugmug website correctly and Andy pointed me to that info. So I now have it set up. I also added that info to my profile as you suggested. The name is Now that I have it set up, how do I attract people's attention to it? Thanks for your input.
Thanks for pointing me to the info on setting up the site. I went through the process and now have the info set up. My site name is My photography is mainly a hobby for me, but I have had good response to some of them from friends, family and coworkers, and want to see if I get the same kind of response from others as well. If I am able to sell some of them, it would be some gravy on an already enjoyable pursuit. My passion is nature and the outdoors in general, so that is the type of photography that also catches my eye. Now that I have followed through with setting up the site as you suggested, how do I attract attention to it and let people know the pictures are out there?