Mountains after the storm 1

This winter in Southern California has been so dry (way unlike last year). But we finally got a few days of rainy weather and, just this morning, I took some shots of the mountains near my house.
I'll provide the shooting info also, in case anyone has some ideas on how to get BETTER shots.
This one was shot with a Nikon E5400, ISO 50 (I can go up to 400 but for a daytime outdoor shot? Oh, you folks with ISO 1600 or 3200--I'm green with envy!). What else? Oh, original 5MP, 1/2000 and f/6, 4X optical zoom (NEVER do I use digital zoom. If I want closer, I can attach a Quantaray 2X tele), and spot metering. No other adjustments were used.
I'll provide the shooting info also, in case anyone has some ideas on how to get BETTER shots.
This one was shot with a Nikon E5400, ISO 50 (I can go up to 400 but for a daytime outdoor shot? Oh, you folks with ISO 1600 or 3200--I'm green with envy!). What else? Oh, original 5MP, 1/2000 and f/6, 4X optical zoom (NEVER do I use digital zoom. If I want closer, I can attach a Quantaray 2X tele), and spot metering. No other adjustments were used.
The shot below taken with a Nikon E5400, ISO 50, no zoom, spot metering, 1/4000 sec and f/5.7 and I mthink I might have done a bit better with a wider aperture setting (or slower shutter speed--six of one, half a dozen of the other at that distance, right?):
Another refreshing mountain shot taken this morning after the storm clouds cleared. Taken with a Nikon E5400 with ISO 50, spot metering, 1/2000 sec and f/5.8. Optical zoom 4X and additional tele with a Quantaray 2X tele.
This is a wide angle shot of the mountains near my house in Fontana, California (about an hour east of Pasadena/LA). Now my Nikon E5400 does NOT have threads to accomodate lens rings and such. I had to cut a piece of 1 1/4-inch schedule 80 PVC pipe and shim it just right with scotch tape. I know that there are a couple of ring adapters made by some after-market place for my camera, but I don't think that it would be the wise thing to attach something to a lens tube with THUMB SCREWS.
Anyway, this shot was taken this morning with a Quantaray 0.5X wide angle lens and just barely enough zoom to eliminate the vignetting. Also taken at 1/2000 sec and f/5.6, spot metering and no other adjustments that I can remember.
Merged these too.
Thanks, gubbs!
Is this merging thing only available to the Olympian Entities of Grin-dom, or could you find it in your heart to allow this common air breather to take some of the workload off your strained shoulders (with My shots, that is)?