Photos With My New Canon S400
Hello everyone. Here's the deal. I was looking through the Sunday paper one day and saw an advertisement for a really neat digital camera that's as big as a credit card! I was like woah, so I laid down 100 bucks and got it. I took many pics with it. Then recently, I went to a wedding, and my sister's boyfriend had a new Canon digicam, and he put the pics from the wedding on a disc for me. The difference between the pictures he took and the pics I took with the cardcam (which was .5 megapixles) was like night and day. The Canon had amazingly beautiful pics. I decided to get the Canon, and get rid of the crappy cardcam. It was originally just for taking clips of friends and stuff, however the cripness of a Canon 4.0 megapixel camera got me really interested in photography. Iam posting a picture here of some ducks and the next post by me will be of a plant in macro mode I got... Please give me some feedback on composition, ,lighting, subject, etc. Thanks so much for your input, it really truly is appreciated!