I was in Boston this weekend for my brother's wedding, and I snapped a few shots along the way. I always appreciate honest comments and suggestions!
Did you catch any of the Yankee games? :cry Nice shots. That first one, my eye just cant decide where to go. Interesting angle on the second shot, and I love the door. Congrats on your brothers wedding!
Yes, good shots, there are a couple I like. I do like the first one. Maybe because I just admire anyone who can straighten a shot so well. And there is a door I really like.
But I also enjoyed the request for honest comments and suggestions.
Dishonest???? :roll
Thanks Shooter! Why the tears about the Sox-Yanks? We did win 2 out of 3...:D I think this post-season should be fun, in the gut-wrenching way it usually is. If I didn't go insane last year, then I guess I can handle anything. Although I did get this little twitch...Grady Bleeping Little...
And Ginger, I meant "honest" as in "don't just say something nice to spare my feelings" honest. I think it was you who described it well a while back, something like "hey good job" to take away the sting, and then "here's all the stuff wrong with it"... I really like that.
As for straightening the first shot, this was my first successful attempt at it and I still don't know exactly how it worked but I thought it came out okay.
Those are "Wicked awesome" shots - lived there for a few years and wished I was into photography then, its a great city for it. Love the door one the best!
But I also enjoyed the request for honest comments and suggestions.
Dishonest???? :roll
And Ginger, I meant "honest" as in "don't just say something nice to spare my feelings" honest. I think it was you who described it well a while back, something like "hey good job" to take away the sting, and then "here's all the stuff wrong with it"...
As for straightening the first shot, this was my first successful attempt at it and I still don't know exactly how it worked but I thought it came out okay.
Great use of lines and angles!!
I especially like #3 and #5. Very nice.
Those are "Wicked awesome" shots - lived there for a few years and wished I was into photography then, its a great city for it. Love the door one the best!