fed up

Oh lord give me tollerance! I'm just having a hell of a time with Bank Of America tonight. I have 2 login id's to the online banking. One for business and one for personal. It would make too much sense to have it all under one so - no can do!. I have both login id's setup on my computer. Tonight I logged into both of my accounts then when I log out and try to log in again it wants me to create new security site keys, however, it won't let me. hahahahah Way to go BOA :thumb
To top that off I cannot transfer funds between the 2 accounts. They can't seem to see each other.
Boy I'm starting to think that Nikon lens will fit my 20d. :rofl
Wheww thanks for letting me vent. I feel much better and by the way hey Bank Of America :buttkiss :flip :boid
To top that off I cannot transfer funds between the 2 accounts. They can't seem to see each other.
Boy I'm starting to think that Nikon lens will fit my 20d. :rofl
Wheww thanks for letting me vent. I feel much better and by the way hey Bank Of America :buttkiss :flip :boid