*Challenge 22: Lynnesite's Picks

Here's a few alones/togethers from Sunday to Monday, the show was Cavalia <http://www.cavalia.net> which is touring around the country for 3 years:
Together: a pas de deux



and this one could use some more post, I know:
Together: a pas de deux



and this one could use some more post, I know:

No shooting allowed during the show, BTW, it was at a press preview--absolutely worth the dough they're asking, to see the full show. The vertical shot I hope will be a magazine cover, hence all that masthead room. Not much lighting and it was challenging to operate my camera in the pitch dark, ISO 800 was the best I could do.
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Did you shoot them RAW? I was at a concert last night, the best I could do was 1600, and some of those shutter speeds were in fractions, some went all the way up 1/30. I guess they are all fractions, I mean slow, slow like 1/4th and stuff. I would usually get a keeper out of about 4 shots.
Shooting in RAW, I was lacking in memory, though, so I deleted a lot. I am buying one more 1 gb card. That will have to do it. I know you bought some, too, a bit back.
Those are gorgeous photographs.
Thanks, Ginger. I don't know if I'll enter any of them. You bet they were RAW, all of them. I bought 3 1gb cards last week, I started shooting RAW when you did. Ka-ching! It's really hard to shoot handheld under those conditions. Did some nice motion blurs though. Still struggling with the best way to process a bunch of images in RAW, shot an event yesterday and am like a deer in the headlights about how to deal with them. CS browser/automate, spend the $ on C1 pro...Photo Mechanic or iView at least makes browsing them and deleting easy.
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Some time back on another forum I visit, from time to time, a person asked if there were any equestrian (sp?) photographers who could do some commissioned work for them. I recommended you becasuse of your great shots and sent them a link to your site. I wondered if they ever contacted you.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
I did some noise removal cause it was very noisy, and this is what I got:
Thanks, Greap--the charros wanted to pose for me, but I was doing saddle fitting/documenting it (and wishing like heck I could shoot them instead), and only got to steal that one shot as they rode away.
Thanks for the recommendation! I do a lot of private work, even have some international gigs pending.
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What tool did you use, Ish? It sure was noisy, ISO 800 and though I used Dfine, I hadn't spent any time optimizing it. My first week in RAW and I'm not very accomplished at it yet. Thanks for your welcome comments.
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Appreciate the comments Sid--the mirror ride is done in what is almost darkness, a few pools of light on stage whereas the vertical shot's activity is way more lit. It was a fantastic challenge to anticipate the lighting, and choose how to meter--most of the time I left the lens on wide open (either 2.8 or 1.8 depending on the lens) and tried very hard for a middling tone. I would *love* to see her face more. I would also like to have a 9 fps camera!
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As usual, I never tire of your horse portraits... Love to see all that you do... These two are my favorites, and for very different reasons.
Your babies, I love for the tonal range, detail in the flesh and coat of the necks, the musculature and the veining, the shadows of the ears, the overall feel of "mother and child."
This one, I love the Renaissance feel, the near painted quality of the overall photograph that lends perfectly to the light, composition, and body language of the subject and the emotion it exudes. The use of lighting vs shadow graces the folds of her gown... You used the available lighting wonderfully, and it is obvious that you were "there," on target with the subject. Really wonderful.
The only negative? You lost the back foot, cramped the subjects groundfall shadow... It needed a wee bit more room in the foreground... Still...
I envy your talent with the horse photography...
I will track down the download site...
thanks, Ish--I went back on it with Dfine and did more aggressive stuff to get the noise down. Chrominance and luminance noise is its specialty, but using the camera's profile as I usually do wasn't enough. Should have done some of it processing in RAW too I suspect, using the advanced options.
on a Mac
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Thanks for your thoughtful comments, as it happens I got to shoot again at that venue on Wednesday. I offer these two of the horses instead, shot since:
I think the alone one might be more powerful for the theme, though the together one is a good stock image.
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I like the Together shot the best. It has more emotional appeal for me. The alone shot has no sky and no real context. Just my opinion. As usual, your shots are all beautiful.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
While I really like the first image, of the mare and her foal... The foals ear, blocking the mares nostril, somehow bothers me... But it's so close to being absolutely perfect... If only the foal were an inch and a half to the left in the frame... (Love the piece of hay hanging from little bits mouth...)
Bonne chance.
Thanks, snappy. The starkness of the image along with the dust suggesting she was left alone seemed to fit the theme. I appreciate your comment and I LOVE your entry for this one. It's a winner.
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