I really like the duck, but it gets lost in that dark rock, don't know if there's anything you can do about that. Or maybe you got another shot a second or two later?
As a side note, I don't have a lot of time to "dgrin", so I don't look at every thread. Either the title makes it seem like something I would be interested in, or it's a thread that hasn't gotten any replies. I know there are others on this board who look for "orphans" as well to make sure everyone gets comments. Is there any way you can get multiple shots into one post so that we can tell if anyone has replied to you yet? You can search for posting instructions, but I'm not sure if your hosting site allows direct linking?
The leaf, the leaf. Lovely color against grey background (nice work, there), life versus barren. Says isolation to me, perfectly, Very nice image.
I prefer the leaf also - It is alone in the greyness. I generally do not favor images that combine B&W and color but this one works. I am also not so fond of the shadows on the foreground or the leaf though. I think the shadows need a solution - reshoot maybe?
Here is the dissenting vote, I prefer the top one , lol. I have seen those things sticking out of rocky areas and stuff, in the mtns. I like them and photograph them myself.
So that is just a fetish of mine. I really don't know. Also I don't know about the emotional impact of any of them in the theme, alone.
The leaf is very much my favorite of the three, the duck looks like it has red eye, and no offense but it looks like it has been "fixed in post, like it was underexposed and brighten alot or something. The tree on top is nice, but I think it needs a bit more pop, increased contrast or something.
Have to admit taht I am with the group here with regard to the photo with the duck... Pass on that one... Something, though I can't quite lay a finger on what, other than the color... (lack of shadow under duck, maybe?) seems "off."
The tree in the mountain I think had great potential... But this is one of those instances that pulling in close, may not have been the best. I think had you been able to pull back and get more of the barren-ness of the rocky mountainside, you really could have nailed the emotional feel of "aloneness" for the photo... But it just seems a bit too close, as it is...
That leaves the leaf (pardon the pun...:) which I really do like... I fall in with the majority of the group here, too... I like it, and I think it works well for the challenge... I am drawn to the color in the midst of what appears to be a dead zone.
Good job.
"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
The duck picture looks very 2 dimensional to me. It's almost as if the duck was pasted on ... I guess it's because of the lack of contrast and shadows.
The leaf is a very nice shot and gets my vote . Nice colour and looks 3 dimensional
As a side note, I don't have a lot of time to "dgrin", so I don't look at every thread. Either the title makes it seem like something I would be interested in, or it's a thread that hasn't gotten any replies. I know there are others on this board who look for "orphans" as well to make sure everyone gets comments. Is there any way you can get multiple shots into one post so that we can tell if anyone has replied to you yet? You can search for posting instructions, but I'm not sure if your hosting site allows direct linking?
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
So that is just a fetish of mine. I really don't know. Also I don't know about the emotional impact of any of them in the theme, alone.
Have to admit taht I am with the group here with regard to the photo with the duck... Pass on that one... Something, though I can't quite lay a finger on what, other than the color... (lack of shadow under duck, maybe?) seems "off."
The tree in the mountain I think had great potential... But this is one of those instances that pulling in close, may not have been the best. I think had you been able to pull back and get more of the barren-ness of the rocky mountainside, you really could have nailed the emotional feel of "aloneness" for the photo... But it just seems a bit too close, as it is...
That leaves the leaf (pardon the pun...:) which I really do like... I fall in with the majority of the group here, too... I like it, and I think it works well for the challenge... I am drawn to the color in the midst of what appears to be a dead zone.
Good job.
The leaf is a very nice shot and gets my vote