Your thoughts on Critique Style & Loupe?

Hi everyone,
Last week we added a new viewing style, "critique" - which adds a couple new features: exif on the page, and a loupe tool, to get a closer look at the photos.
Here's a gallery with some high res originals in it, just in case...
And some lower-weight files here:
Here was one post from jfriend that I saw:
Anyone tried it? Like it? Love it? Hate it?
Last week we added a new viewing style, "critique" - which adds a couple new features: exif on the page, and a loupe tool, to get a closer look at the photos.
Here's a gallery with some high res originals in it, just in case...
And some lower-weight files here:
Here was one post from jfriend that I saw:
Anyone tried it? Like it? Love it? Hate it?
I like the exif data already displayed, I like the Loupe. It would be cool if the loupe worked using the Original as the source even if the originals were turned off.
I normally limit my galleries to the Journal Style. When a user clicks on a photo, they get the "single image view" (I don't know what to call it).... It would be great if they got the Critique view instead so they could see the exif (without clicking on the link), and they can view the pic with the loupe, etc. Does "single image view" have anything that Critique view doesn't?
Ahh there's the rub though. You're a "cake and eat it too, type of guy, eh?
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Since the original is cropped to a small width, and the scroll bar is at the bottom of the image, not the browser, it is difficult to pan across the image. The user is forced to scroll down to the bottom, scroll across, and then back up.
This is not very elegant.
Said the patient with the sore arm: "Doc, it hurts when I do this..." Doctor: "Well, don't do that!"
Winn, *that* page, has *nothing* to do with Critique Style, or Loupe. That page is single image view, with originals allowed, on a 12megapixel Canon 5D image. We've recently changed that Os go on the page like that. ONE MORE click and you get the O in Lightbox. BTW, the original is *not* cropped at all, winn - it's 4368px x 2912px.
Guess what - with SmugMug you can have it your way, too. If you have not-so-gigundo originals, you can lay 'em flat out on the page, with no scroll-bars at all:
Now, how do you feel about critique style, and smugloupe, winn?
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The doctor bent over the victim who was laying on the asphalt.
"Does it hurt, son?" the doctor asked.
Victim: "Only if i laugh, doctor...."
Doctor: "Really! That reminds me: Do you know this joke about......
etc. etc. etc.
I like the critique style!
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
Can we see a picture of
1) Anton's sock drawer
2) Anton's spice cabinet
I have a sneaking suspicion......
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You must not have looked at the page with your webdev tools on - 'cause they are already there
I like the smugloupe from what I've seen. But I haven't used it all that much to be honest.
*plink plink*
i'm usually a pretty early adopter of things, and i'll force myself to break habits to try new things out....but i just dont have a use for critique (or filmstrip for that matter) in my everyday use of the site. I'd say that 90% of the time i'm in smugmug small with the rest split 7-8% traditional/allthumbs (and one of those could probably disappear too IMHO) and 2-3% slideshow.
Sorry for the offtopic thoughts, but those popped to my mind just now.
Ok, about smugloupe - the only reason I would see in having it is to view details of photos for what I'm not allowed to see the full original. I see that's not possible, because technically the loupe is just downloading the whole original to the browsers cache.
But if I could choose between viewing the full original and fiddeling around with smugloupe I would pass the loupe and just get the full original. It's even faster, becasue I can look at it while it's downloading.
Don't get me wrong - using the loupe is relatively easy after you know how it works, but it's just a gimmick that I've played around with a bit until it got boring.
Still - keep the good ideas coming!
SmugMug Support Hero
While you might be able to leave a comment for one image in journal - you won't be able to see the individual comments for that one image unless you click and follow it to single image view.
interesting... I use the custom Journal (Large) 98% and I'm in the process of restricting most of my galleries to Journal style.
But I don't have smugmug for ME to look at MY pictures (even though I do). I wish I could just set my galleries to a default style instead of restricting the gallery to a single style.
When I give out url's to my pics, I can't assume that "casual clickers" will spend the time trying out the different styles... Journal is by far the easiest way to view pictures... just scroll away...
Laguna Beach CA
journal style does have access to the slideshow, so my viewers get that option as well
sorry, a little off topic, but to bring the topic back, I like the Critique style such that it would be nice to have the option to have it replace the single image view
There's a way to do that via URL, you'll need to search dgrin to find it, as I forget how to do it, but you can force the INITIAL view of a gallery in the URL you give for that gallery.
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I have seen that... too clunky though....
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I miss smugloupe and the cititque style.
But because my process involves reviewing on Smugmug after uploading, having a tool like the smugloupe helps a lot. I needed it today for the first time in a while and really missed it. :cry
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You can still use the loupe.
Set your gallery style to Critique - you have to do so in the gallery settings.
Then above the photo you will find a check box for the loupe.
Hope that helps,
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I tried it, but couldn't find the checkbox for the loupe.
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Critique is not listed as a viewing style for me in the gallery settings.
there it is...
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