Hangin' by a thread....

Hi everyone. After a week of viewing some pretty awesome work, I've decided it's time to plunge in and get my feet wet. This is my first posting. These shots were taken this past Sunday after our rain-storm passed. I was watching a fellow surfing on a small board with a parachute...(not sure what the correct name of this sport is). I noticed this flock of birds flying towards the surfer and barely had time to catch the shot. The shot was hand-held. The sun was glaring so badly, I couldn't see the display glass, so it was literally "point and shoot" and hope I could get it all in the frame. As you can see, I caught it all, but the surfer is so tiny you can hardly see him, (especially planted in front of a big cargo ship!) So I had to crop and lose the parachute, and the beautiful shoreline. I felt uneasy leaving him "hanging" with no chute...so I would appreciate your feedback. Is this my best shot? :dunno Thanks for your opinions!
This is full-frame before editing.

Cropped and edited (no chute and no flotilla!) Is this my shot?

A couple of shots into the sun...

This is full-frame before editing.

Cropped and edited (no chute and no flotilla!) Is this my shot?

A couple of shots into the sun...

The sport is called "kite surfing", or just "kiting" these days. All my old windsurfing buddies are getting into it and I've been taking some heat for not following suit. But I've heard too many stories of people getting dragged over rocks. Guess I'm too old for that now. The old bones just don't heal as quickly as they used to. :uhoh
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To my eyes #3 and #4 are your best...but I do like #2 also
Thanks Fred...#3 was actually my favorite shot of the day.
I think these came out pretty well for the difficult lighting present.
Nicely done.
I love the 3rd shot
Smug Galleries - Other Images
Thanks, Zoomer. The lighting was pretty strong....sure makes it hard to see the camera display, not to mention your settings!!!
Thanks for coming by Rich! Nice gallery you have! Someday I'll get mine in order!