All I did was go to get the paper...
Well, I took them, spent the day working them up, here they are!

I refuse to apologize for our birds. However the Carolina Ibis does get a bit scruffy in the winter.......that is one reason I have not liked shooting them, but he was my friend today.

I might not have mentioned that the sun came out once. It rained after I left, but it was cool to get out!
This photo below was the first one I took. It was around 8:30 AM, or later. Grey, rainy day sky. Well, a bit of sun there. Not much later, but as I said I had fun, and I liked my photos.
Comments, etc, are welcome! The Ibis can take it! ginger

I refuse to apologize for our birds. However the Carolina Ibis does get a bit scruffy in the winter.......that is one reason I have not liked shooting them, but he was my friend today.

I might not have mentioned that the sun came out once. It rained after I left, but it was cool to get out!
This photo below was the first one I took. It was around 8:30 AM, or later. Grey, rainy day sky. Well, a bit of sun there. Not much later, but as I said I had fun, and I liked my photos.
Comments, etc, are welcome! The Ibis can take it! ginger
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
Above, I had to look that bird up in the book, I have many of them, the males are gorgeous, just have never worked one up before.
Below, that is one bird as he sits on the wire, sees his prey and dives. I blended three shots together.
ID? I think it is a Willet, but am not sure.... cool bird, though, and I like the colors of those mud flats.
I think this bird was walking across the harbor. Not quite, but it was very low tide! And he is a wading bird living up to his name:
photography by ginger
The Kingfisher shot is cool, like how you did that and love the reflections you caught with many of your birds, nice
N.B. I do it too but mainly because of not enough glass
The merganser almost looks like it has a stupid grin
18-55mm, 28-105mm USM II, 50mm f/1.8, 400mm f/5.6
Photographs by Dixie
| Canon 1Ds | Canon 5D Mark II | Canon 5D | Canon 50D | Canon 10D | Canon EOS Elan 7 | Mamiya Pro S RB67 |
...and bunches of Canon lenses - I'm equipment rich and dollar poor!
agreed, these are great.
I love the Willet? in the mud flats, but they are all great.
** Feel free to edit my photos if you see room for improvement.**
Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if
no birds sang there except those that sang best.
~Henry Van Dyke
The bird seems a little OOF, but it might be the size I am looking at it. It is that the 'grass' above it is so crisp.
I absolutely love the others though
Mark Twain
Some times I get lucky and when that happens I show the results here:
Thanks, XO, I am now well aware of most sharpening programs avail in Kelby's book, plus a few others. The bird looks in focus, but being far away, it does not have the amt of pixels that one might hope for. And it is not as contrasty as the green and yellow.
This is the best that I could do:
Thanks, you may have helped me! Oh, the cropping was minimal, not a factor, IMO.
ginger (I still like the colors too much to toss it) I think.
Mark Twain
Some times I get lucky and when that happens I show the results here:
Thanks, XO, you can shoot like that, anyone can....................who has access to this place or a place like it and a 400 or so lens.
Oh, and a need to pick up a newspaper! My problem is leaving the house.
ginger (I wish I could shoot like the Fla bunch, but i can't, don't have the place or the stuff................. and they can't shoot like me. But we each do the best we can with what we have: and use a lot of memory, smile.)
And I have a list, XO, of course, thanks, Thusie, Gus (The paper was OK at about 2 AM when I finally got to read it. It has the book reviews on Thursday, just a small pleasure), Dog, thanks, Dixie, as always and more, thank you, James, thanks for stopping and commenting. Dallas you are stirring the pot right now with a few raptors! Cool! Dana, thank you very much, I like the little Willet, too.
Thanks all for stopping and taking the time to comment. I enjoyed being with the birds again. On days like that, grey with rain in the forecast, there are a few people about, but mostly it is me and the birds.
If I don't work them up right away, it might not get done! It was a long but rewarding day. You all made it more so with your comments.
ginger (Sun yesterday, Friday and Rain for Saturday, today, maybe)
My Photo gallery-
Selective Sharpening Tutorial
Making a Frame for your image (Tutorial)
"Osprey Whisperer"
im not muich of the big bird fan, but im sure a fan of your work!!!