New wild bird for me
While cruising around looking for photo ops, I saw this little guy and made a beeline for him. I thought it was some kind of Heron as he looked similar to the Green Herons etc i'd seen here in DGRIN. When I got home I broke out the trusty "Field guide to the Birds of Australia" book and have decided that it is a Juvenile Striated Heron, Ardeola striatis (race macrorhynchus).
This is cropped a little as it's with the 70-200 and he was very shy.
I included the other name just in case someone thinks it is not what I think.
Thanks for sharing my new species discovery with me :thumb
This is cropped a little as it's with the 70-200 and he was very shy.
I included the other name just in case someone thinks it is not what I think.
Thanks for sharing my new species discovery with me :thumb
Thanks for googling Gus. Doesn't hurt to exhaust all avenues for an ID.
18-55mm, 28-105mm USM II, 50mm f/1.8, 400mm f/5.6