xmlrpc vs rest
I would like to play with a little web-programming by writing some toy scripts/apps using the smugmug api. It looks like the api comes in two flavours REST and XML-RPC. Having no web-programming experience, I am not sure which one I should choose. Which one would you recommend when? Any links would some introductory tutorials would be great. thanks!
What language? What apps? It kind of depends.
Tutorials coming in summer.
SmugSoftware: www.smugtools.com
Thanks for the reply. I want to get started with something simple like displaying a random picture on my web page. Thinking of using python or php.
OK, so a couple of pointers that may help you out:
sdmeyer's Last 5 Photos PHP script
Rutt's command-line Python tool
Both using XML-RPC
Hope this helps,
SmugSoftware: www.smugtools.com
I was familiar with REST. Then I had to learn XML-RPC to work with the Smugmug API (back before it had a REST option).
I ended up liking XML-RPC more, because it didn't require me to work with the XML DOM. I was using "classic" ASP, found a a good XML-RPC library, and off I went.
I agree with Luke that a lot will depend on the platform you choose and the tools you have available.