Find empty/blank captions & keywords
I apologize if this is already answered somewhere, but I tried to search and didn't find anything related:
Does anybody know of a way to find pictures/galleries that don't yet have any captions or keywords? I'm trying to make sure every picture I have is properly captioned (if appropriate) and has keywords. Seems like pretty much every picture is deserving of at least one keyword. But, other than clicking through every gallery I've uploaded, I couldn't think of a way to find them...
Does anybody know of a way to find pictures/galleries that don't yet have any captions or keywords? I'm trying to make sure every picture I have is properly captioned (if appropriate) and has keywords. Seems like pretty much every picture is deserving of at least one keyword. But, other than clicking through every gallery I've uploaded, I couldn't think of a way to find them...
In all of your galleries, go to one photo and choose "edit captions and keywords - Bulk" then look at all the photos without captions.
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Well, that's what I do when I know there's a gallery that hasn't been done yet - but I have so many pictures that it would take forever to go through every gallery and then open the bulk keyword thing and scroll through looking for blanks. It would be better if I could see all pics with no keywords somehow... then if I discovered a whole gallery was unlabled I could bulk edit them at that time. Know what I mean?
The way I mentioned is the only way to do it, Paul.
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As in, go to each gallery and scroll through until I (hopefully) see photos that have nothing filled in?
I'm not complaining, I'm just making sure I understand correctly that there isn't a way to do it. I understand that there are plenty of things on your todo list above finding photos you haven't marked with keywords yet.
Perhaps I can find a way to do it via the API..........
No... as in how I suggested when you first posted
So really, all you do is open the first pic in each gallery, go to the bulk tool, and voila - easy to see which don't have keywords
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Right, that's what I'm saying- I have to go to each gallery and scroll through a hundred pictures in that gallery (inside the bulk editing screen) trying to spot the blank boxes. Then on the to the next gallery, then the next, etc... which, I hope you can see, would take a very long time and is prone to error.
Anyway, yeah, I'll either do that or try to automate a way so I can root out all the ones I've missed in a better way. Thanks.