*Challenge 22 Alone or Together

I am only going to post this SINGLE THREAD for any images I uplink out of courtesy to other posters here.
I can see that the intepretation of alone or together is being drawn hither and yon, not at all like I originally envisioned it. As a result, I may have a couple of images for consideration - I am as interested in opinions re: appropriateness as well as technical quality. There is no common theme in my images other than the element of seperation or aloneness to me.
The first is a grab shot as I was looking for early morning light to shoot windows....and a single runner ran past while I lunged for my camera on the seat beside me.

The second shot I first saw in my rear view mirror as I was driving home last weekend and stopped at the top of a hill to capture the sunset and the solitary car on the empty road climbing towards me.
I can see that the intepretation of alone or together is being drawn hither and yon, not at all like I originally envisioned it. As a result, I may have a couple of images for consideration - I am as interested in opinions re: appropriateness as well as technical quality. There is no common theme in my images other than the element of seperation or aloneness to me.
The first is a grab shot as I was looking for early morning light to shoot windows....and a single runner ran past while I lunged for my camera on the seat beside me.

The second shot I first saw in my rear view mirror as I was driving home last weekend and stopped at the top of a hill to capture the sunset and the solitary car on the empty road climbing towards me.

Pathfinder - www.pathfinder.smugmug.com
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I really like your second shot. The sunset and the long road with only one vehicle truly captures the theme. Great picture.
Me, Too, Pathfinder!
PS, thanks for the info on the 50% grey trick,passed on from Cletus. I was just filing things, filed that, and was going to PM you thanks, but here "thanks".
I agree with R&R, lonely car, lonely road.
I like the second shot. I think it conveys the message of "alone" very well. I like the composition, the way the road leads into the picture. Nice sunset too BTW. I think the first shot is a little too busy.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
I would go with the second.
It is perfect for the theme and it is also an outstanding photo!
TML Photography
I am not sure about your cropping suggestions,TML - I have an appointment right now - maybe I can give it a go this evening.
I hate to crop off the color in the sunset up above, perhaps a little on the left might fly hmmmm. Your are trying to move the car into the lower left 1/3 position - right? I have another version of #2 with the vehicle being more prominent - I was not sure I liked it as well. I will post more after supper.
I thought the runnner looked alone - yes, Snappy I agree the image is busy - it was a grab as he ran by - I actually shot 4 or 5 frames and thought this one was the best with the flower shop in the background. Alone, but not terribly artisitic or interesting, I guess.
Thank you for your suggestions.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Photographer and Mom of Four!
I do not have any infants here
and a window with a small neon sign that connotes to me somehow that it is lonely..... It appeals to my sensitive feminine side I think
I continue to desire criticism of appropriateness and technical quality.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
The fisherman shot is an interesting angle. Do you think B&W or something else to give it a little more drama. The guy just doesn't look lonely enough:D . Sorry I don't have more concrete suggestions for this one.
Not sure the window looks lonely, but who knows.
TML Photography
Thanks Thomas - you're just not cruel enough
I have not tried the fisherman in B&W - I'll see how that goes. The lone car I really shot for the sunset, but noticed the solitary car as an afterthought.
The window appeals to me, but it is not a winning challenge shot I agree.
Not sure any of them are yet. But I am leaving for W Virginia in a couple of days, so I need to finish my entry soon or sit this one out. It is time for two wheel travelling on mountain roads again.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
The first shot, the runner, I just don't feel engaged with, but that could be me and just my opinion.
The fisherman looks cramped in the corner, IMO, also, I wish he had his fishing rod a bit up. Might be just me.
Oh, yes, I agree on the window. The neon thing.........I do like that, I don't like the stuff on the bottom right, I think it detracts. And I don't think the neon thing is going to be enough.
I hope and think you might have a shot in you to come.
I feel terrible not saying that I love anything. If the trees were exposed so that they were not completely black, they might be distracting.
Heck, everyone said that people like to their friends to tell it like it is.
I will say that Andy did show us a shot he took one night, about 10 PM if memory serves me, and there was underexposure in that, he said that was OK, so take what I say with a grain of salt.
I am always looking for the negative these days, in that I hate to give my shot away with an obvious flaw. I don't know.
See what others say, keep your camera close by you, and wing it.
Of the second two, I like the fisherman better, but it seems like it doesn't impress me as much as the picture of the car does.
So far looking at all the photos, I would give your cropped version of the car shot top scores.
I mean it captures the theme perfectly, a lonely car on a lonely road, the sunset is just extra goodies for the eye, its really a good picture for my tastes, something I wish I was able to catch.
I am not fond of the fisher one, and the neon sign one is very cool indeed, but I am a sucker for th normal format of pics, so your unorthodox croping (really tall and narrow) don't work for me.
The only rypes of uncommon crops that I usually can get into are stitched panoramas. But when you make it vertical it turns me off. hehe.
Here is my version of the window without the canopy....
Ginger and others have commented how black the trees are in the cropped shot of the car and the sunset - I have another exposure with more detail in the trees but I am not connvinced it is a better image because of the greater detail in the trees... This takes a monitor that can display a really good grey scale to see tho.... Here it is ...but I don't like it as well...
And the fisherman suffers a loss of interest in B&W I believe - I lose some of the depth of tonality in the water and the bright red hat as an accent note also.
Once again I want to thank all of you who have voluteered opinions and suggestions. This is so great to be able to banter back and forth and help each other.
I am afraid that the cropped image of the solitary car coming up the empty highway may the most appropriate shot for the challenge so far.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I really like this one, and whilst its true, there's a lot of black, I think that adds to the lonely mood of the shot, the car seems more isolated than the one with more detail!
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
...I just read through this whole thing. I liked the shot of the car from the beginning. I did wonder if the shadows were too dark or not. I've seen similar dark silouette shots though. Now that I've seen the shot with more detail, my suspicions are confirmed. The detail just detracts. I like the crop idea too. So, that's my favorite, FWIW.
BTW, thanks for your nice comments on my "Each Alone" shot. Did my black and white conversion with grain look OK? I'm still searching around for the best and easiest methods. I got this book with a CD of add-ons for Photoshop Elements by Richard Lynch. I'm still trying to learn his chanel mixer method. Pretty complex. But, I can't afford Photoshop CS.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
I think detail in the trees just detract form the subject. The trees are not the subject and the car seems more alone if it is Dark. It contributes to the mood.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Oh Path...
I too just read through your entire thread... and though you've heard many of them already... Thought I'd reiterate or stress a few...
Another member of the "Mutual Admiration Society,"
Wow, thanks Ginette. I am flattered.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I'll try to post this method again later, but I probably will not get to it for a week or so - I am leaving in the AM for two-wheeling in the hills of West Virginia
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin