I was allowed to shoot at the National Training Center scouting weekend. Large gym, Canon 20d, ISO 1600, 85mmf1.8 at f2.0 1/640. Very slight adjustments in RAW.
nice to see you shooting soccer again. It was your posts of youth soccer that lead me to dgrin in the 1st place. I like the 1st one best, but too bad his foot is in front of the keepers face.
The National Training Center scouting weekend - does that mean your son is being considered for a spot on the Canadian nat'l team? Cool.
Hi Colleen
How cool is it that I led you to dgrin......wow!!!!
I am glad to have shot soccer again too - getting a real job has seen my PP time diminished to next to nothing, and the other soccer centers had an incident that has them restricting people from accessing the only good shooting locations, so I've mostly stopped for now.
Yes, my son is at NTC for training (he now trains about 14 - 16 hours a week which means I drive about..... ). He has been identified as one of 5 1990 born keepers in Canada that are National team potential. Pretty cool, and worth the driving after all!
Thanks for commenting - I had another great goalkeeper shot (its not of my kid) but it is really OOF, unfortunately.
nice to see you shooting soccer again. It was your posts of youth soccer that lead me to dgrin in the 1st place. I like the 1st one best, but too bad his foot is in front of the keepers face.
The National Training Center scouting weekend - does that mean your son is being considered for a spot on the Canadian nat'l team? Cool.
That would look like soooo much (NOT!) fun to land your melon hard on that (NOT!) grass.:pissed
Hey forehead - its like you were there...the weekend ended terribly, actually, when the largest of the keepers and a striker collided head on mid air, resulting in the keeper smashing the other kid into the ground. It was horrific. They took the boy to hospital by ambulance on a backboard. Still haven't heard how he is.
always nice to see ya pics.....
these came out really good!
I start my "soccer pics" shortly, ive been considering upgrading my outside soccer lens to the canon 300 f/4 or sigma 120-300. the soccer field is getting bigger as my 12 yr old son continues to play. have u tried either of these for outdoor soccer?
Oh man, you must be thrilled about the possiblity of your son making the National Team. Congrats to you and to him (I am sure your DH had little or nothing to do with your son's talent....lol)
Colleen beat me too it. Love the first one and if the goalie's face would have been visible, it would have been an even more awesome shot.
Good on you for shooting RAW I know it adds some PP time, but it really helps for these ISO1600 shots. My only comment on your processing is to watch the shadow slider when you have black skintones in the pic. It can be real easy to lose detail I have really tried to work on that with my B-ball pics where there are light pink-light tan-dark brown skintones in the same frame. I have had to do some RAW conversion "blending" on occassion to get everyone's skintoes looking good.
Again, I think ya done good and I hope to see more of you around the forum :
Hi Troy
I haven't had the opportunity to use any other lens but the sweet 70 - 200 f2.8. I do know that many shoot with the 300mm, and the really priviledged have the 300mm f2 (drool!!!!!!). I would choose fast lens over reach, I think, given that it can be quite dull/grey/dark here on spring evenings.
always nice to see ya pics.....
these came out really good!
I start my "soccer pics" shortly, ive been considering upgrading my outside soccer lens to the canon 300 f/4 or sigma 120-300. the soccer field is getting bigger as my 12 yr old son continues to play. have u tried either of these for outdoor soccer?
, Steve! Any athletic talent either came directly from the dh or skipped me and came from my dad. I am one of the clutziest people I know. The risk taking probably came from me as the dh is quite a bit more uptight tho
We are quite proud and excited at the possibilities this opens - scholarships etc. It does really cut into my shooting (and chore) time, though.
Thanks for the tips about RAW conversions - for the most part my sports pics just don't get the care and attention that the 'art' pics do - and nobody really notices either :
Thanks for stopping by Steve. Good to hear from you.
Oh man, you must be thrilled about the possiblity of your son making the National Team. Congrats to you and to him (I am sure your DH had little or nothing to do with your son's talent....lol)
Colleen beat me too it. Love the first one and if the goalie's face would have been visible, it would have been an even more awesome shot.
Good on you for shooting RAW I know it adds some PP time, but it really helps for these ISO1600 shots. My only comment on your processing is to watch the shadow slider when you have black skintones in the pic. It can be real easy to lose detail I have really tried to work on that with my B-ball pics where there are light pink-light tan-dark brown skintones in the same frame. I have had to do some RAW conversion "blending" on occassion to get everyone's skintoes looking good.
Again, I think ya done good and I hope to see more of you around the forum :
Hey forehead - its like you were there...the weekend ended terribly, actually, when the largest of the keepers and a striker collided head on mid air, resulting in the keeper smashing the other kid into the ground. It was horrific. They took the boy to hospital by ambulance on a backboard. Still haven't heard how he is.
Hi again
It turns out that he is okay - concussed but able to travel home the same day. i imagine he would be bruised and sore as well, but apparently nothing broken!! I was very relieved to hear this, as it really looked serious.
Hi again
It turns out that he is okay - concussed but able to travel home the same day. i imagine he would be bruised and sore as well, but apparently nothing broken!! I was very relieved to hear this, as it really looked serious.
nice to see you shooting soccer again. It was your posts of youth soccer that lead me to dgrin in the 1st place. I like the 1st one best, but too bad his foot is in front of the keepers face.
The National Training Center scouting weekend - does that mean your son is being considered for a spot on the Canadian nat'l team? Cool.
check out my (sports) pics: ColleenBonney.smugmug.com
*Thanks to Boolsacho for the avatar photo (from the dgrin portrait project)
How cool is it that I led you to dgrin......wow!!!!
I am glad to have shot soccer again too - getting a real job has seen my PP time diminished to next to nothing, and the other soccer centers had an incident that has them restricting people from accessing the only good shooting locations, so I've mostly stopped for now.
Yes, my son is at NTC for training (he now trains about 14 - 16 hours a week which means I drive about.....
Thanks for commenting - I had another great goalkeeper shot (its not of my kid) but it is really OOF, unfortunately.
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Ramblings About Me
Hey forehead - its like you were there...the weekend ended terribly, actually, when the largest of the keepers and a striker collided head on mid air, resulting in the keeper smashing the other kid into the ground. It was horrific. They took the boy to hospital by ambulance on a backboard. Still haven't heard how he is.
My Galleries My Photography BLOG
Ramblings About Me
always nice to see ya pics.....
these came out really good!
I start my "soccer pics" shortly, ive been considering upgrading my outside soccer lens to the canon 300 f/4 or sigma 120-300. the soccer field is getting bigger as my 12 yr old son continues to play. have u tried either of these for outdoor soccer?
Oh man, you must be thrilled about the possiblity of your son making the National Team. Congrats to you and to him (I am sure your DH had little or nothing to do with your son's talent....lol)
Colleen beat me too it. Love the first one and if the goalie's face would have been visible, it would have been an even more awesome shot.
Good on you for shooting RAW
Again, I think ya done good and I hope to see more of you around the forum
son for being selected for a camp too.
I haven't had the opportunity to use any other lens but the sweet 70 - 200 f2.8. I do know that many shoot with the 300mm, and the really priviledged have the 300mm f2 (drool!!!!!!). I would choose fast lens over reach, I think, given that it can be quite dull/grey/dark here on spring evenings.
My Galleries My Photography BLOG
Ramblings About Me
We are quite proud and excited at the possibilities this opens - scholarships etc. It does really cut into my shooting (and chore) time, though.
Thanks for the tips about RAW conversions - for the most part my sports pics just don't get the care and attention that the 'art' pics do - and nobody really notices either
Thanks for stopping by Steve. Good to hear from you.
My Galleries My Photography BLOG
Ramblings About Me
My Galleries My Photography BLOG
Ramblings About Me
Hi again
It turns out that he is okay - concussed but able to travel home the same day. i imagine he would be bruised and sore as well, but apparently nothing broken!! I was very relieved to hear this, as it really looked serious.
My Galleries My Photography BLOG
Ramblings About Me
Glad to hear he's doing better :hurt