Before Work
Taken this morning before she left for work, in front a a huge picture window, warm morning sunlight entering directly. I didnt like the warmth and almost sepia feel that was obtained from the light and the tan wall behind her. Her look was a bit more introspective, cold maybe. As if she was mentally already at work. I played with the color to cool the shot down a bit but I was too cold. So I played with the levels to warm her face. I liked the blown highligts on the left of her face, creating almost two personas.
Comments welcome!
Final Photo:

Step 2, Color Correction:

Step 1, Original Image:

One more thing of note; original corrections done in RAW 16 bit and then compressed to jpeg for web at 85 quality (8 bit). The color degredation wasnt significant but noticable. lbg
Comments welcome!
Final Photo:

Step 2, Color Correction:

Step 1, Original Image:

One more thing of note; original corrections done in RAW 16 bit and then compressed to jpeg for web at 85 quality (8 bit). The color degredation wasnt significant but noticable. lbg