Gadgets and goodies at PMA

Last weekend, Andy and I spent time walking the floor at the Photography
Marketing Association's Orlando, Florida tradeshow.
We saw lots. And lots, of new stuff.
Crumpler What can I say? Outstanding features, fabulous quality and an
Aussie sense of humor. Did I forget to say their stuff is great?
The booth was a giant blow-up Crumpler bag. As you'd expect, all the goods
were on display. Have a butcher’s look…

Our host offered a look at this new new that it doesn't have a name
and this isn't the colour it ships in...

It's a shoulder bag designed like a messenger bag and holds two full sized SLR bodies
with 70-200 sized attached lenses. There’s also a spot for your laptop as well as
three flash heads and other assorted gear—mind you, it’s not meant to carry everything
but will certainly do you for an afternoon’s walkabout shoot or perhaps a

The bag is roomy, has an adjustable shoulder strap that’s easy to operate and comfortable
to carry.
The Aussie sense of humor was present throughout. From the Foster’s and Vegemite
party to the Aussie Two-Ups held in the booth. Visitors were treated to bean
bag chairs to sit and contemplate on (available on the Crumpler web site (but you have
to buy the ‘beans’ elsewhere) and Royal Gala apples (from Enza—which is a NZL
company…go figure).

If you like the bags, visit the site. You’ll love it or hate it.
Either way, Crumpler offer a great lineup of bags to carry your wares.
I'll add more to the thread later this week--lots of information to go through.
Marketing Association's Orlando, Florida tradeshow.
We saw lots. And lots, of new stuff.
Crumpler What can I say? Outstanding features, fabulous quality and an
Aussie sense of humor. Did I forget to say their stuff is great?
The booth was a giant blow-up Crumpler bag. As you'd expect, all the goods
were on display. Have a butcher’s look…

Our host offered a look at this new new that it doesn't have a name
and this isn't the colour it ships in...

It's a shoulder bag designed like a messenger bag and holds two full sized SLR bodies
with 70-200 sized attached lenses. There’s also a spot for your laptop as well as
three flash heads and other assorted gear—mind you, it’s not meant to carry everything
but will certainly do you for an afternoon’s walkabout shoot or perhaps a

The bag is roomy, has an adjustable shoulder strap that’s easy to operate and comfortable
to carry.
The Aussie sense of humor was present throughout. From the Foster’s and Vegemite
party to the Aussie Two-Ups held in the booth. Visitors were treated to bean
bag chairs to sit and contemplate on (available on the Crumpler web site (but you have
to buy the ‘beans’ elsewhere) and Royal Gala apples (from Enza—which is a NZL
company…go figure).

If you like the bags, visit the site. You’ll love it or hate it.
Either way, Crumpler offer a great lineup of bags to carry your wares.
I'll add more to the thread later this week--lots of information to go through.
Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
Nice report on Crumpler!
Did any other vendor catch your attention? (translation: I'd like to see more. More! MORE!!!):D
Ooh sweet camera!
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Wish I could have gone down there :cry
Thanks Ian
Good report... next?
d00d, they've had 'em for a long time. There's a big'un in NYC, run by Crumpler. There's a retailer in beantown for you, just look on their website..
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Yes. One in Palo Alto, CA.
More coming. But I have a day job
They have a store and customizing shop in NYC. The store was ok. I saw them at PMA a couple years ago and the display had a lot more to look at.
I didn't know about the NYC one. I'll have to make a voyage there, I've been looking for a road trip excuse.
Wait, did you say look at their website? I would, but my stash of halucinogens is getting awfully low...
Don't you work in a Labratory??
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I have a store about a mile away & last week bought a 'Western Lawn' for guswife & a 'John Thursday' for gusgirl. I wanted everything in the shop.
How was the fosters & vegemite ??
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
My bad.
You know why the used a Nikon as a prop camera - They knew no one would steal it :lol4 :lol4
"Tis better keep your mouth shut and be thought of as an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
It looks a lot like a slightly smaller version of the December Quarter I have (EU only as far as I know). Which reminds me, I still need to do a review on that. If this mystery bag is in fact a bit smaller, I need it. I love the messenger over-the-shoulder style of the Dec1/4, but it could be a hair smaller. My 12" powerbook swims in it.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Sadly, nothing Crumpler in Chicagoland. Bits and pieces perhaps, but nowhere I know of with the complete line of photo bags and backpacks. :cry
I'll probably just pick up a cheap Tamrac 5575 backpack. I need something with an external holder for a small tripod or a tiny three-legged folding chair, or both, so I can ride the bike somewhere and do some shooting. I don't need a laptop pouch. Something to place a 70 oz. water bladder (the insides of a Camelback pack) would be a plus.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Canon had, by my estimation, one of the largest booths in the whole
convention center. But they didn't have the collection of big glass that
Nikon did...or did they? But we're not going to discuss glass :uhoh
The big news on the accessory front was not when Canon would refresh
some of the tried but true lens line up or even when they'd get a nice wide
lens for the full frame crowd but the introduction of the new for photographers iPF5000 printer.
This bad boy features a 12 tank pigment ink system and Canon's
Full-photolithography Inkjet Nozzle Engineering, FINE. The printer can print
on a variety of different papers up to 1.5mm thick.
This is a big printer. Approximately 39x29x12. It prints on roll stock as well
as a wide variety of paper stock.
Print resolution is 2400x1200dpi and get this, it has over 30,000 nozzles on
two different print heads!
Canon rounds out the line of pro grade printers with two others. The
PIXMA Pro9500 and the PIXMA Pro9000. Both fine printers.
Stay tuned for more PMA goodies and gadgets!
Something you see right away is the lack of traditional mini-labs. They're
at the show but nobody's buying them like before. The photo printing
business is moving towards kiosks in a big way.
The kiosk is self-serve and can be placed anywhere. Manufacturers like Doli,
HP and Durst are building these kiosks and most are outfitting them with the
kitchen sink. The consumer puts his digital compact flash into the machine
and proceeds to print or burn a CD from the data.
There were so many of them, DIMA scheduled a shoot out
As I say, the number of people building/branding/selling kiosks is huge and
with the change to digital, retailers have been forced to think differently.
That means out with the old mini-labs and in with the kiosks.
Unlike the mini-lab, a kiosk has no operator and must work flawlessly. From
down loading the image to cropping and editing, the box has to work. Most
have some form of 'phone home' diagnostics and can schedule a supply
replenishment as needed.
Fascinating the rate of change is.
Stay tunned! More coming.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Bloody good point !
How did you like the print quality? That print in your photo looks good, did you see any B&W prints?
Erik, you perv! (That's just what I was thinking. :uhoh )
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Print quality was outstanding. The one you see was just printed. There were
a couple of B&W's around but I couldn't tell if they were from the 5k or not.
They were nice prints either way (the b/w).