
this morning, i found a park out here near the east san jose hills. the lighting was terrible - lots of fog and mist - but i noted some good locations for shooting at different times of the day, something i always do and put down in my journal. so, when i next return, i hope to get some sweet light on these hills

these shots taken with my 20d, 70-200L f/2.8 i.s. aboard. the first is at iso 800, the second at 400 and the third at iso 200. all were shot in raw, and converted in adobe acr. minor curves adjustment for contrast, but that's it for post. for the b&w, i applied my normal bw routine, described here .
enjoy (cat) photography,
I can imagine you did follow him around a lot, having to cut all those cat tails off of him. :roll Don't see them down here. Haven't seen a bob cat, either.
First of all I love the all three of these shots..
Was just looking through your moomriver site and have a question. Your Hudson river gallery is awesome. I went to college right up the river from the city at West Point and did alot of 35mm stuff while I was there and know of tons of great spots to get incredible shots there. not that I was able to get any incredible shots but I tried
I also know a great site that takes a little hiking, about 30 min to an hour to get to, on the east side of the river about 15 min north of the bear mtn bridge that provides some specatcular views of the west side of the river. An incredible site to photograph the s-turn of the river that west point is located on. This site would be very easy to give directions to if you are interested.
Just a thought..
Sigma SD9, SD14, and DP1
these were taken outside of san jose, california
thanks for stopping, and the kind words!
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thanks for the kind words, i appreciate your comments very much. i shoot at west point, and evirons, all the time. i live in northern westchester, about 10 mins from the bear mountain bridge, and so very close to the point.
i'd love the specifics on the spot you are talking about, would you mind emailing them or pming me?
thanks again
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Now for the hard part....I thought we had a little talk about this? You come into my backyard and take pictures like this? You think your dealing with some California girly man? I'll have Guedo stop by your place in the city to clairify this.
i was asked specifically if this was a composite image. i assure you all that 1) it's not a composite and 2) when i make a composite i will tell you, and identify the image as such.
this cat and these turkeys hung about together for a few hours. i have a dozen photos of them together.
thank you for listening.
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park. Rancho is nearer Los Altos Hills (North of San Jose) You often see
them along the trail in the early evening. The area also has had several
mountain lion sightings.
FWIW, there are wild turkeys as well.
The park you were visiting looks a little like Almaden/Quicksilver.
thank you, ian
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suggest the small town of New Almaden? It's a relic in a large city.
Almaden/Quicksilver is an area that once was home to quicksilver (mercury)
mines. There are remains of mining structures including a glimpse into the San
Cristobal mine.
In the town of New Almaden, a museum chronicles some of the early life
A gem of a park!
thanks ian! i'm going to check it out
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The hint of the sun from the left really makes the second shot work for me. Love it.
I've always liked that style in the third shot. Very nice.
Excellent Luck, Excellent Work, Beautiful images. Very Profressional
Thanks for sharing
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Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
What it does have is a very nice pond that is landscaped and the best hotel rooms have views. The pond has these giant goldfish; I think they are called "coit". They must weigh four pounds.
Anyway, as anyone who goes to CA from the East Coast on business knows, it's not exactly easy to sleep in. So I'd be up at dawn with nothing to do but drive into work and make expresso there (also another story.) A few times I noticed a really big cat in my perhipheral vision. Big enough to be interesting, but gone by the time I got a good look. Then one 6am, it was in my headlights and it was a bobcat, clear as day. I'm sure it was there for the fishing.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam