Boring old hawk shot
This took a bit of sneaking to get down around the gargage, the fence etc. to get up the other side to get a half clear shot. Figured he would spook at anytime since there was quite a bit of activity going on. No sun no TC. Ok those are all the excuses I can come up with. Oh and freakin tree branches. Cropped natch.

Finally get to a half good spot and MUFF it. Geez slightly OOF

Finally get to a half good spot and MUFF it. Geez slightly OOF

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What's with the color shift between the first two and the last shot? NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
I shifted where I was standing just enough that I caught more light, I think. I was shocked when I saw that shift myself. As I took the first couple shots I was facing east then I moved a bit into the neighbors yard, was trying to get more to the front of him. It put me shooting more to the west, got me out of the shadow of the garage (garage is 40' long) and just opened the whole thing up to more light. Best I can come up with anyway
Edit here..Checked the exif and the shutter speed on the first two was 1/640 and dropped to 1/250 on the last one
I look at the trees all the time imagining that they are filled with birds I can't see.
Good eye, Thusie!
Thanks jeff
Thanks Ginger! Weren't me who found him, was my human spotting scope Don, he doesn't miss much if anything going on outside. Still can't find his undies inside, oh well.
Thank you William! Got very lucky since I didn't make any of the adjustments I should have. Get too excited