Coolpix 5700 question

R&RR&R Registered Users Posts: 45 Big grins
edited October 2, 2004 in Technique
When I put my camera in the manual mode and adjust the aperture and shutterspeed to keep my meter from underexposing or overexposing it works fine without flash. When the flash pops up it doesn´t change the meter at all. I would have to just guess at what aperture and shutter speed to use because the meter on the camera does not compensate for the flash that just popped up. Is there anyway to get the meter to read correctly in manual mode with the flash in a dark room.

It always adjusts things appropriately in the shutter and aperture priority modes. Do I need to use these modes when I use flash to get the correct shutter speeds or is there a way to make the meter in manual compensate for flash.

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