Shot at ISO 1600 in my lounge using the window for lighting
70-200 @ f3.2 so a very shallow dof, interested to hear comments
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(finding the 70-200 really useful with Eve. Using the 50mm/85mm I'm in close & she gets too distracted by the camera. With the extra reach I'm 6-8ft away for these which allows her mum to get in close and entertain )
70-200 @ f3.2 so a very shallow dof, interested to hear comments
Click on the pic for exif
(finding the 70-200 really useful with Eve. Using the 50mm/85mm I'm in close & she gets too distracted by the camera. With the extra reach I'm 6-8ft away for these which allows her mum to get in close and entertain )
Hello !,,,:):
How do you do ?
Very nice, soft, picture you have here...
Best regards
Nice pic, I like the shallow DOF, however a hair more, or a small shift in focus would have gotten that rear eye in focus as well. Only reason I recognize that one, is that it is something I have a hard time mastering even after being made aware.
Photo is beautiful though.
Mark Twain
Some times I get lucky and when that happens I show the results here: http://www.xo-studios.com