Folly Beach, Lighthouse

Sunrise today, 3/5/2006
I am sure that you all are glad to know that I made it
there and back, and I am "still" breathing! Scary idea,
long walk in the dark...... some other photographers went,
but they are men in like their 30s, or younger. Last time
I went there was 20 years ago. I was concerned. That
lighthouse will probably not be saved, and it is almost under
water. Dixie probably knows more about it than I do, we
planned on going together.
Dixie, you will be glad to know that it is still a hike, but now
it is the old road, as the bird flies, is better than walking the
whole way on the beach as it used to be.
Enjoy and comments are welcome...................
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
Good job Ginger
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
How far is the walk? What focal length glass did you use?
The actual name of the lighthouse is Morris Island Lighthouse.
It was built in 1876 and is the third light in that location. The first was built in 1673 and it was replaced by the second in 1767. The second light was demolished during the Civil War.
David, Morris Island is just outside of James Island next to where Fort Sumter sits near the entrance to Charleston Harbor (South Carolina). Folly Beach is the island just southwest of Morris Island. Morris Island is uninhabited. The lighthouse was originally part of Morris Island, but it now sits out from the island and is completely surrounded by water due to coastal erosion. Ginger shot the photo from the north end of Folly Island.
The lighthouse was bought by a private organization and then given to the state of South Carolina in 2000. There is an effort underway to save the light (SaveTheLight.Org). I hope that they are able to do so.
Photographs by Dixie
| Canon 1Ds | Canon 5D Mark II | Canon 5D | Canon 50D | Canon 10D | Canon EOS Elan 7 | Mamiya Pro S RB67 |
...and bunches of Canon lenses - I'm equipment rich and dollar poor!
That is a wall hanger for sure!
my stuff
Thanks for all the comments.
Dixie, thanks for providing the information. Before I went to sleep yesterday afternoon I was aware, actually was aware all along, that the lighthouse was Morris Island Lighthouse, but having messed up the frame I just did not have the energy to redo right then.
You got more info than I did. I googled, but did not get all of that.
I think that Morris Island itself has actually been saved from destruction, and a very recent save, too. It is only accessable by boat and is a Civil War site and also a bird haven. I have never been there and am not totally sure of my facts. They had a reinactment last year there. I hope they have it again this year, I would love to go.
Laurie, that is interesting about your sister. I do like Folly Beach, it has come into its own a bit later than the other barrier islands and so far still has a "beach" flavor, but development is doing very well, too, and I expect that area will lose a bit in the process. Folly Beachers are a determined and "tougher" lot, though, IMO, and if anyone can hold on to a uniqueness it would be they. A lot of surfing happens there. It is a further drive, and has been, to the amenities of modern life. That has helped keep the "modernization" down for awhile. Also they have an erosion problem, as you all can tell from the lighthouse.
Well done!
Thanks, James!
Such luck that I only ran out of memory AFTER I took that shot. (Had more memory, but not on me. I had been bracketing, that was NOT bracketed) I am pleased myself with that shot. I lightened it a bit this morning in case I wanted to have it printed.
The only problem with that shot is it makes my others pale, smile.
Thanks again, James! that means a lot!
Great shot.
Very nice lighting too.
I've been missing landscape shooting. I need to get out more. Glad you made it back in one piece. That's the thing that holds me back. I get scared when I'm wandering around, a woman alone. Doesn't it make you wish you were a man sometimes?
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Thanks, Snappy and Jon. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I have to chuckle here. Is 66 the new 35? My legs and back feel a bit older than that, smile.
I whined all week that I would not make the walk in 15 minutes, could not, and would not make it alone. Finally the "young" men agreed to meet about 5 minutes early to allow time for me, haha. They were wandering around, going back and forth, I huffed and puffed my way there. Actually, my husband ended up going, too.
One of the men even carried my backpack. Such pampering as I am not used to. Even Bill thinks it is too heavy. This guy just picked it up like it was nothing.......... I certainly do envy them. Not just for being "men", but for being in shape. (I have a few photos of the people. There were three men other that Bill and me, and no one else out there. I whined a lot, smile.)
The color and composition are wonderful. The lighthouse, being dwarfed by the branches, looks very lonely, just the way a lighthouse should look.
I really like this.
"exxxxcellent" -C. Montgomery Burns