Kentucky Barns

A few anyway.
Went on a long drive shooting barns the other day good time and lots of cool barns out there.
Missed a few just couldn't fine a safe place to pull over sometimes...oh well get them next time.
Most were shot in Northern and Central Kentucky.
Here's the gallery if you want to see more.

Went on a long drive shooting barns the other day good time and lots of cool barns out there.
Missed a few just couldn't fine a safe place to pull over sometimes...oh well get them next time.
Most were shot in Northern and Central Kentucky.
Here's the gallery if you want to see more.

Yep, I like barns too!
Even if they are in Tennessee.
my stuff
Ric good shot looks like the cows were checking you out
Saurora the last one was shot in RAW and sharpend a little in lab and thats it
I tend to overcook sometimes so I was trying to keep from doing that
Amadeus yes I agree your backyard is the best place to find photo ops.
You may think you know an area then you drive around looking and discover something new pretty amazing
Here's one more from my neck of the woods never knew this was there
Neat pictures. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the comment
Yes the bush needs croped out or cloned
There is some very beautiful scenery with lots of history in our part of the the US. Few years back, I bought a brand new car and spend the next few days just driving the Kentucky small highways and backroads. Drove almost 1000 miles that weekend, just enjoying the scenery and my new car. Had a small digital P & S and took lots of pics also.
** Feel free to edit my photos if you see room for improvement.**
Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if
no birds sang there except those that sang best.
~Henry Van Dyke
My Gallery
This is a great biking road in the summer if your not careful you would get run over by all the bikers
Can't wait till it warms up
Thanks Awasi
I love going out on the back roads and exploring here
I love driving the back roads in see some interesting sites! Perhaps we could get together and go for a drive one Saturday when it is warmer.
John I think it was 165 in Robertson Co. near Mt Olivet
It also could have been 65 in the same area
Yes lets get together shoot back roads are fun but so in the city
Just let me know