title, date and signature for prints

when you actually print a photo, who does what on what type of photo-
say, for instance, you have a landscape and you've decided on a title-
do you want to date it?-m/d/y?-m/y?-just the year?-
do you want to sign it?-sign it with the printer or hand sign it?-
all of this below the picture with date on the left, title in the middle and signature or name on the right?-or in some other order?-
do you sometimes not title it, believing the photo alone is enough, and maybe just date and sign it?-
is there some consensus to this or some robert's rules of order or some link that I can look at?-
if you're in portrait photography or some form of commercial assignment or creating stock photos, I assume you wouldn't do this at all, true?-
what type of photos would you title, sign and date?-
curious and thanking any and all in advance-
say, for instance, you have a landscape and you've decided on a title-
do you want to date it?-m/d/y?-m/y?-just the year?-
do you want to sign it?-sign it with the printer or hand sign it?-
all of this below the picture with date on the left, title in the middle and signature or name on the right?-or in some other order?-
do you sometimes not title it, believing the photo alone is enough, and maybe just date and sign it?-
is there some consensus to this or some robert's rules of order or some link that I can look at?-
if you're in portrait photography or some form of commercial assignment or creating stock photos, I assume you wouldn't do this at all, true?-
what type of photos would you title, sign and date?-
curious and thanking any and all in advance-
I can't believe the fantastic response you got on this question!!-
I hope you will see this response among the many you received-
several interesting sites-
great question!
thanks for posting!
My framed/matted landscapes and fine art go with a signature, the year, and I limit some with a number x/xx.
My portrait and commercial work is not signed.
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thanks much