Meet my great-great-great-great-grandfather!

Meet my great-great-great-great-grandfather. We've been scanning old family photos in for quite some time, and we're up to a few thousand i think. This particular one is taken before 1860, we don't have an exact date.

I was wondering if someone knows anything about this old type of photography. Not the technical aspect, but the settings/symbolism.
You can see in the picture the items on the table, and the book he is holding. At first i thought it was a bible, but we have no record of him being a religious man. We also have other pictures of family in different "settings" so to speak. Before a painted wall with trees, and some wooden blocks to simulate the outdoors for instance. I've googled for it, but i can't find anything about it. I know some of you smugmuggers have some of this type of photos too on your sites, so i was wondering if anyone could help me with this.

I was wondering if someone knows anything about this old type of photography. Not the technical aspect, but the settings/symbolism.
You can see in the picture the items on the table, and the book he is holding. At first i thought it was a bible, but we have no record of him being a religious man. We also have other pictures of family in different "settings" so to speak. Before a painted wall with trees, and some wooden blocks to simulate the outdoors for instance. I've googled for it, but i can't find anything about it. I know some of you smugmuggers have some of this type of photos too on your sites, so i was wondering if anyone could help me with this.
*shrug* we have old pictures of my great-great-great-great grandpa lying around in trunks and stuff and he is similarly positioned with items... but they're big and flashy... possibly because of his position
Yes, alot of the pictures have a setting with somehow reflects their status or jobs. Mostly jobs i think, the status can be seen by the clothes they wear. I have pictures of a printer, which was taken in his office, with some of his books. A picture of a radio amateur, taken next to his radio installation. One of a doctor, taken in front of the hospital, etc.
But i was more referring to the settings which the photographers created. Not so much the odd king or queen. Remember, back then, having your picture taken was a whole day event. The whole family dressed up, went to the photographer, and spend a good amount of time there. The photographer had a "setting" (more than one maybe?) I was wondering about those settings, where they uniform with more photographers? maybe even over the world? why did they have the settings they had? etc... & smugmug & smugmug
Royalty, whew. Best tip me cap to you Govnor.... Now if you lived over this side of the pond you'd be living in a castle...
Are you sure he did not arrive via a ship ie the:-
Passenger list for ship King of Prussia Oct. 9, 1775
Only joking Daniel, scan a few as I'd like to see them. I'm into old WWI photo's myself.
Jerry Lodriguss - Sports Photographer
Reporters sans frontières
i'll see if i can scrounge up a few.