How wrong can you be....
I thought this forum seemed very friendly, and worth registering on for help in improving my photographic skills.
I mentioned in my first post how impressed I was with the tutorials on LAB and stand by that. However, to say that I am disappointed with the response to my first posts would be an understatement.
To the 4 members who took the trouble to respond, a warm thank you, to the remaining 6500+ members - thanks for nothing.
Why bother encouraging 'Lurkers' to 'de-lurk' if you're intent on ignoring them? :dunno
I mentioned in my first post how impressed I was with the tutorials on LAB and stand by that. However, to say that I am disappointed with the response to my first posts would be an understatement.
To the 4 members who took the trouble to respond, a warm thank you, to the remaining 6500+ members - thanks for nothing.
Why bother encouraging 'Lurkers' to 'de-lurk' if you're intent on ignoring them? :dunno
Personally, i haven't commented on your photos simply because i had not seen them before. I don't check all the forums, or i have my moods where i check a certain forum more than others.
But remember this is also a get what you give kind of thing. I see you have not commented on any of the photos published by others. Why not? maybe the same reason that others haven't commented on yours. Write some posts so people get you know you.
Anyway, i hope you decide to stay, and post some more & smugmug
Thanks for the reply, Ivar and I appreciate what you're saying. Perhaps I should not have posted any images so soon.
As a very new member I was somewhat daunted by the expertise shown in the tutorials and wanted to see what people thought of some of my favourite shots. Hoping that I might be encourgared to voice my views of others work.
I certainly wouldn't expect everyone to reply - this is a huge site and we'd all need 48 hour days to cover all the posts:):
I just felt that given the number of viewings, some of them could have just said hello, even if they thought my images were rubbish, they didn't need to pass comment!
I can relate to your comment a little bit. My first post was a print for critique and comment. I was disappointed that virtually no one responded. And I felt a little left out of the club for awhile while I was posting.
I do try to do a "welcome" post when I notice someone new but sometimes miss some posts. And I tend to watch certain forums . . . I'm a little less interested in the landscapes and birds (that last statement could be considered blasphemy with centain folks around here!).
One more thing, there may 6500 dgrin members but it seems a core group of a hundred or so make most of the noise.
Anyway, hang around and keep posting. Maybe you just caught everyone around here on a bad few days.
And I did notice your Scotish Highlands shots and liked both of them. I love "soft" ocean surf shots.
I knew, of course, that trees and plants had roots, stems, bark, branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself.
Edward Steichen
Thanks for your views and comments John.
I take your point about the 6500+ members, its just that it seemed to rub salt in the wound, such a huge membership and so few responses!
Thanks again.:):
Thanks for the wise words Saurora, and the kind comments:):
So, Highlander, welcome aboard and please keep posting more photos!
However, didn't you answer your own question with your very own observation?
So you didn't get ignored, you got at least 4 comments. That's not so bad. Do you have any idea how many completely orphaned threads we as moderators try and draw attention to on a daily basis? Not every thread and every photo posted can expect to get pages upon pages of comments. A bit of patience and diligence, my friend, goes a long way.
You're obviously talking about your Scottish highlands photos? Here's my take on why you received "only" 4 comments. The photos were quite lovely landscapes, don't get me wrong, I looked, thought about Scotland and moved on. But, to be honest, there was nothing terribly striking or unique about them in a forum filled with very nice landscapes. Secondly, if you really want particular feedback - ask for it! Once again, think about how many posts 6500 members generate. You said "any advice would be appreciated". I challenge you to be a little more bold and specific: "I'm looking for advice on how to make the shadows behind those rocks pop" or something like that. If you can handle it
Make sense?
I feel like I'm trying to talk down a jumper here!
Seriously, nice shots, keep posting, but relax a bit. This thread seems like a lot of drama from someone of only 1 month and 10 posts, yeah?
which you didn't even link yet!!
Well I certainly rattled your cage, didn't I?
I didn't start this post as an advertisement for my images.
Blasphemer, unholy one, you Evil Person
I'm just kidding of course. Everyone has their own taste. I am the opposite, I have little interest in shots of people and have a great interest in birds/nature and some interest in landscapes. You will rarely see me in the people forum, however I try and reply to every post in the nature forum. But, sometimes I'm in a hurry and don't have time to reply to every post.
Several other posters have also brought up a key topic here. It is not fair to expect replies when you haven't taken the time to reply to other posters pictures. :nono
Sorry, a little ventin there.
My Photo gallery-
Selective Sharpening Tutorial
Making a Frame for your image (Tutorial)
As a bod from Edinburgh I should have answered a fellow Coutryman I suppose...
But then again after another look I'm still not sure what to say. Get up at 6am and shoot some Scottish sunrise castle stuff or I'll blow you a Glasgow kiss...
In your first shot the mountain has more prominance than Loch Ewe, is that it in the bottom right hand corner? I'd look for somthing like a small tree to place in the foreground to lead you into the landscape.
Colour has been covered and other than that I'd look again for a nice sea view to shoot at sunrise or sunset. You can drive accross Scotland and catch both on the same day if your feeling like a day out.
Welcome aboard and just keep posting.
Jerry Lodriguss - Sports Photographer
Reporters sans frontières
11 posts...
5 out of 11 in this thread alone...
I watch\lurk\participate in a total of four photo type sites *almost* daily. By far this is the tightest, friendliest and usually the most helpful of them all. I have NEVER seen ANYONE get a 'bum' ride. Many have deserved one in my opinion, and even they have gotten the benefit of the doubt in spades. I honestly think you are asking a bit much from this community for such a short time on board. And, as has been said, there may be 6500 members on the roster, but certainly most probably don't even lurk on a regular basis.
You live in such an interesting and beautiful part of the world, and could contribute so much to our community, don't run the risk of loosing that opportunity to share AND to receive by copping an attitude this early in the game!
With that out of the way...
Welcome to dgrin
Your shots are pretty good. I prefer the second one, although the lighting in the first is pretty awesome. I like the detail in the rocks in the first and the way you were able to convey the 'feel' of the place. The title of the first shot confuses me a bit, 'Loch Ewe' but I can't see the loch?
It certainly looks like you know what you are doing with the landscapes, and I will try and lookout for your posts in the future, although I lean more toward the sports and people forums.
Take care and good light,
Over time, you'll appreciate the value of a drop-in, as much as a comment, as much as a quick
I hope you stick around and become a contributing member of Dgrin!
All the best,
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Have you checked out the hall of wisdom, and also our tutorials/how-to site?
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Well that was certainly warm and fuzzy
Highlander, welcome and don't get discouraged. Not all post receive the replies you think they should. But 4 replies seems great. Remember, if someone views a post and another poster replied with the same basic thoughts they probably will not reply "since the comments have already been posted". JAT
Hey, I've ended more threads than I care to count.
"Tis better keep your mouth shut and be thought of as an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"
Loves Photography
Loves the act of creating a vision
an artist at heart
wants recognition
and slightly over sensitive
Sounds a lot like me too, listen my best advice do what I did enjoy your love and share more then less.
Sounds pretty Sappy
Oh I forgot there have been two (yes I checked
2 out of 6800
Man I getta get out more
My Galleries
I agree with all the above comments. There are lots of members here. The more members, the more posts, the more to see and read. It all takes time.
My best advice: stick around, be patient, keep posting, keep commenting on other's posts. What goes around comes around.
I like what I've seen. I'm interested in seeing more. I have never been to Scotland and would love to go there. Tempt me some more.
Thanks for sharing.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
That is what i would consider a great start in a new forum.
To Bodwick I would say that the concept of head butts over the ether may have its merits, but I doubt it will catch on
Having alienated a number of members including at least one moderator, I think I've done enough damage, so I'll just wish you a continued productive community.
There's no worries mate - just post and we'd love to see your photos and your contributions.
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Lighten up!
If the post here make you think the members are pi$$ed at you then they must REALLY hate me considering some of the responses I get.
It's really a great place - the best I've found. Just the fact they attempt to control Trolls is a huge bonus. Even though I'm severely out-classed by most of them they still respond and truly try to help.
"Tis better keep your mouth shut and be thought of as an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"
lol...Now now, don't run away. I'm north every year and constantly fail to get the sort of pic's I'm after. I'd love to see your pic's grow into something great.
I tend to go fishing more than taking pic's, priorities, if your a fisherman you'll know what I mean...
I'm from Mussleborough via the African gold mines and would suggest you never give up and never surrender.
Jerry Lodriguss - Sports Photographer
Reporters sans frontières
Highlander, lots of folks do what I do - they hit the New Stuff button and cruise through the new posts. Sometimes stufff slips thru the cracks, as yours did. Just give your thread a bump if you want folks to see your stuff. And as has been said before, take the time to give as well as to receive.
I feel like I'm talking into a vacuum.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
He took his marbles and ran? Sheesh.
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