Black & White Question(s)

I apologize if this is in the wrong forum, but since it directly relates to my fledgling business, I thought I would post here.
How does Smugmug stack up with their printing of Black & White prints VS. services such as Mpix, who feature the true Digital Ilford B&W paper? There seems to be plenty of information about how they tested their printing service for color prints, but I was at a loss for much info. on the B&W.
Just briefly, my business is already my grandfather's business, but I am "inheriting" it. My grandfather owns 40-50,000 black and white 35 MM negatives and 5X7 glass negatives and postcards of turn of the century Michigan and features maritime history, farm scenes, trains and railroad depots, lighthouses, automobiles, airplanes, downtowns, etc. and also stuff like the death of Jumbo the Elephant near Sarnia, Ontario and images of the Purple Gang.
Before I pay for my "pro" Smugmug account, I am currently shopping for the best way to digitize and organize his collection. So far, I'm considering the Epson 4990 Pro to digitize. Also, I have an appointment with the head archivist at Western Michigan University here in Kalamazoo to tour their archives and tap her expertise on proper preservation, storage, and cataloging techniques.
Anyway, if anybody has any suggestions about how to go about doing all of the above, please respond.
Sorry that this got a little away from my original question, but what the heck. By the way, speaking of Mpix above, does Smugmug offer any products like they offer- like the framing, calendars, trading cards? I know they offer coffee mugs and mouse pads, right? I've also read on someone else's post (sorry, can't remember who or which forum) that discussed calendars from
I'm also in the market for a good web designer. Any good reco's?
Gene Buel Historic Photography
currently advertised on until my Smugmug account is up and running.
I apologize if this is in the wrong forum, but since it directly relates to my fledgling business, I thought I would post here.
How does Smugmug stack up with their printing of Black & White prints VS. services such as Mpix, who feature the true Digital Ilford B&W paper? There seems to be plenty of information about how they tested their printing service for color prints, but I was at a loss for much info. on the B&W.
Just briefly, my business is already my grandfather's business, but I am "inheriting" it. My grandfather owns 40-50,000 black and white 35 MM negatives and 5X7 glass negatives and postcards of turn of the century Michigan and features maritime history, farm scenes, trains and railroad depots, lighthouses, automobiles, airplanes, downtowns, etc. and also stuff like the death of Jumbo the Elephant near Sarnia, Ontario and images of the Purple Gang.
Before I pay for my "pro" Smugmug account, I am currently shopping for the best way to digitize and organize his collection. So far, I'm considering the Epson 4990 Pro to digitize. Also, I have an appointment with the head archivist at Western Michigan University here in Kalamazoo to tour their archives and tap her expertise on proper preservation, storage, and cataloging techniques.
Anyway, if anybody has any suggestions about how to go about doing all of the above, please respond.
Sorry that this got a little away from my original question, but what the heck. By the way, speaking of Mpix above, does Smugmug offer any products like they offer- like the framing, calendars, trading cards? I know they offer coffee mugs and mouse pads, right? I've also read on someone else's post (sorry, can't remember who or which forum) that discussed calendars from
I'm also in the market for a good web designer. Any good reco's?
Gene Buel Historic Photography
currently advertised on until my Smugmug account is up and running.
We print our BWs on Fuji Crystal Archive paper. I myself do A LOT of BW printing, and find the quality to be very very good. My site is
If you'd like, I'd be happy to fire off a test print for you. You can email me at with a link to an original size bw, your mailing info, etc, and I'll send you a print on the house, so you can judge for yourself.
We don't have books, cards and calendars - yet. We hope to, in the future.
As to web designers - most can easily be done by yourself and help from us here on the forum. I will guide you through the process
In the meantime, here are some great resources for you:
In particular:
The customization forum:
Our customization FAQ:
Some Really Well Done SmugMug Sites:
Customizing For Dummies
We also have a forum dedicated for our pros:
Check out the "Pro Tips Thread"
And, dont' forget our SmugBlogs:
Pro Corner:
All the best,
House Pro
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Thanks so much, Andy. That is a most gracious and generous offer. I'm waiting for my Epson scanner to show up so that I can scan some negatives and I'll zip you one right off. It should be here in the next few days, I'd hope.
Thank you for all of the wonderful resources. I'll be sure to dig into all of those links during my lunch hour.
Thanks again,
ps- I really dig your moonriverphotography site! Nice job...
Scan Cafe: let the pros do it
I'm looking forward to working with you!
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