Nevada Outback

After a completely stressful week doing the hunter/gatherer thing, there's nothing I enjoy more than getting lost in the country. I saw this, early morning sunlight bathing the Nevada countryside. I photographed the hawk later that day, this image is a composite.
Thanks for taking a look.
Thanks for taking a look.

"exxxxcellent" -C. Montgomery Burns
"exxxxcellent" -C. Montgomery Burns
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I like the shot without the hawk better. The hawk just doesn't look right to me. I took it out in PS and liked it better.
hmmm. Mabye the hawk gotta go?
"exxxxcellent" -C. Montgomery Burns
Hum..yea. That is such a beautiful scene on its own, the hawk doesn't add anything and looks a bit funny.:):
And I didnt think the hawk looked fake.
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A really good image without it.