> > Challenge #59 Voting Thread < <

Theme was Rough. Here are your ten finalists:
Ruff Day by 4labs

My Hands by Andyman

Rough Draft by dancinkate

Rough and Anti-Rough by Flyinggina

Rough Housing by MTag

Starboard~Stone by Ovis

Ruff Stuff by pathfinder

Ruff'n It by queequeg

Rough...Multiple Ways by shatch

Rough Condition by wholenewlight

Ruff Day by 4labs

My Hands by Andyman

Rough Draft by dancinkate

Rough and Anti-Rough by Flyinggina

Rough Housing by MTag

Starboard~Stone by Ovis

Ruff Stuff by pathfinder

Ruff'n It by queequeg

Rough...Multiple Ways by shatch

Rough Condition by wholenewlight

My Smugmug
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Vote for Challenge 59 Winner 145 votes
Ruff Day by 4labs
23 votes
My Hands by Andyman
46 votes
Rough Draft by dancinkate
11 votes
Rough and Anti-Rough by Flyinggina
7 votes
Rough Housing by MTag
6 votes
Starboard~Stone by Ovis
14 votes
Ruff Stuff by pathfinder
7 votes
Ruff'n It by queequeg
8 votes
Rough...Multiple Ways by shatch
2 votes
Rough Condition by wholenewlight
21 votes
This discussion has been closed.
'bout time too...
just joined and looking to vote
Wonderful photos everyone. Really hard to choose....AGAIN!
And my vote goes to ... All.
Great shots.
[SIZE=-1]It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. - John Lennon.[/SIZE]
Wow...Awesome pictures...This is my first time voting, do the rules let us vote for all?!!
Congrats to all the finalists...and good luck.
I really had a hard time choosing with this one - such excellent entries!!!
This summer's wilderness photography project: www.tessa-hd.smugmug.com/gallery/3172341
Somehow I managed to do so. The only sadness on my part is there were so many entries that did not make it into the final ten (and my favorite didn't make it).
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Scott, I can't ask, etc, but I would be just dying to know which one you were hoping would be there. I guess this way, I can figure all of them. For one reason and another, mostly because 10 is a definite number, no flexibility there, many of my favorites did not make it, too.
However, I can't resist pointing out that if your fave had been there, you could have voted "easily" and missed out on the agony of looking at the "other" great shots, and having to pick one.
Hey Ginger, didn't you get to help pick these since you won Ch.58? Maybe you just had too many favorites!
Definitely good entries... there were a couple that stood out to me as feeling really "rough".
First of all, my congrats to you ten in this final round; and to all who made time to find, shoot, and prepare an entry. Everyone wins our respect for going through that effort.
Now, to answer your question Chris, and everyone else who's wondering about the magic goings on behind the challenge scenes. It's a 2-person team effort to choose those ten finalists. One moderator to administer, along with the previous challenge winner.
It looks easy to pick those ten, doesn't it? But there's quite a bit more to the process. Those two people must navigate the avalanche of fantastic entries, experience every emotion while sorting through the photos, lose nearly three nights of sleep, deal with endless interruptions while carefully staring at, and making copious notes along the way of every entry printed up each at 24 x 16 inch, push-pinned onto a gigantic and properly lit wall (you should see that wall - what a sight!), and then endure the eternal knowledge that there will unfortunately be only ten finalists. It's enough to grey my already grey hairs even more.
There are always more than ten that really deserve to be there. Lots more. But ten is the rulz.
I won't even go into the horrid detail on what it takes to finalize a decision for an upcoming challenge theme. I'm still on doctor-prescribed medication from the nervousness caused by selecting the "Colors Two" theme a few weeks ago. :twitch
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
That will be $5.65, please pull around to the first window...
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
What makes you say this?
I'm lucky, sort of, that two of my favs made it in, but then I had to choose between the two
Rant aside, there are some gorgeous shots in the finals.....I had a hard time choosing!
I like your entry. I'm not a judge, but I would hazard a guess that it didn't say "rough" to them. Beautiful shot, though.
Oh, and.....Welcome!
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I guess all the nice feedback in this thread
wasn't enough for you? Dirgee, you're 1000% wrong. Go take a read in the delurking post, and there are a gajillion welcome posts here on dgrin. I don't think you'll find a friendlier lot on the planet. But, you can try
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Wow! I just clicked on that Google link. 33,900 references of "welcome to dgrin".
Now my husband calls me an addict.
And back to the challenge:): Wow! So many entries this time. Must have been a killer to narrow it down to 10. Lots of great entries and plenty of new people joining in. I'm still trying to figure out which is my favorite in order to vote. But, I WILL vote to be sure. And then I have to get busy and photograph some FOOD.
It's cold and rainy out today. I think I'll bake some cookies. Mmmmmmm :eat
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Congrats, Andyman!
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky