WTB: Long EOS Zoom (Sigma, Tamron, Canon)
Looking for one of the following for EOS Mount....in order of preference:
1) Sigma 80-400 OS (DG preferred)
2) Sigma 50-500 Bigma (again, DG preferred)
3) Tamron 200-500 Di
4) I'd consider a Canon 100-400 IS if someone's selling one dirt cheap...but otherwise more than I want to spend.
I have cash now....ready to buy.....email me with what you got! (mankman@ptd.net)
1) Sigma 80-400 OS (DG preferred)
2) Sigma 50-500 Bigma (again, DG preferred)
3) Tamron 200-500 Di
4) I'd consider a Canon 100-400 IS if someone's selling one dirt cheap...but otherwise more than I want to spend.
I have cash now....ready to buy.....email me with what you got! (mankman@ptd.net)
My only disappointment is that the autofocus isn't as fast as my Canon USM lenses. It's OK, but not great. Repeating what every other Sigma 80-200 owner has ever posted: why, in a nearly-$1000 lens, didn't Sigma install its faster HSM focus motor?
Also, expect that when the OS feature is on, you'll be burning more power from your camera battery(ies) than a non-OS(IS) lens. I ran out of batteries at a critical moment in Alaska (awesome glacier calving! :-( ) ... and that was with dual batteries in a BG-E2 grip. I don't know exactly why that happened, but suspect (a) the aftermarket charger I used on that trip didn't fully charge the BP-511 batteries, (b) it was damned cold out, which reduces battery life, and (c) the OS used some power. However, I can't fault Sigman because I doubt the Sigma OS uses more battery power than Canon IS lenses; it's just a fact of life that on OS/IS feature requires power to function. (I have never run out of batteries while on OS/IS at any other time, so I suspect that factors (a) and/or (b) were the primary culprilt(s) that day.
Despite the 80-400's slower-than-hoped-for AF speed, overall I'm quite happy with the lens. I'd just hesitate to buy another Sigma lens unless it has an HSM focusing mechanism.
Supported by: Benro C-298 Flexpod tripod, MC96 monopod, Induro PHQ1 head
Also play with: studio strobes, umbrellas, softboxes, ...and a partridge in a pear tree...