Sasja in the rain...

This is Sasja. It was a dark grey day here in UK today. I did a photosession of little Sasja, and I got so frustrated. My Nikon D70 does not want to go lower then 4 and a bit something aperture, the asa was on 400, shutterspeed dropped till 10, 20, 30... So as I don't want to flash and I don't want to turn on the ASA to 800 or 1600, I wonder what is wrong. Why can't I have sharper pics than what I am obviously getting. This one is sharp, with the sharpness around the eyes, where I want it really.
I do have a bunch of pics though that her sweater is sharp but her face is off, and I know that I focused on her face. (I use autofocus, so normally, the middle of my picture should be sharp, I always focus on the middle field.
This is the only picture that is sharp enough to my liking. Either I speed up the shutterspeed to 125 but then break all the rules about correct exposure.
How do other people solve that. A too dark of a day, you only have one chance for a shoot, More ASA does not work because the noise becomes inbarable.
I never seem to get nice, crisp, clear shots... and on a day like today, it is very depressing...
Any comments and suggestions welcome. (I know about the tripod and the flash, but I don't want to use those things... Am I plain stupid? I do have a tripod and I do have the nikon SB800 flash, am I crazy not to want to use them?)
Could be just that for the light available and a given ISO speed, your lens doesn't let enough in.
I'd recommend just getting a 50mm f/1.8 lens. Costs $100 on this side of the pond, it's sharper than even the (excellent) kit lens, and opens much wider to let in more light. I find it makes a great portrait lens too. This would solve your problem.
Example with the 50/1.8: