Being a born and bred Aussie I must say that the Mr O'Whippy is my fav since it took me back to my days of chasing after the ice cream guy as he flew down the street :
I seem to remember that 50 cents also got me a sizeable choc top icecream cone that I could eat and wear as it melted rapidly
Ahhh memories.
Great series, I remember those Qld reain showers during summer. Would rain like hell and then get hot and sticky as hell. Mate, just thinking about it I need to go and sit in the sahde.
Believe it or not Hobart is heading for a top of 31 (87F) degrees C today. So our summer has arrived.
Being a born and bred Aussie I must say that the Mr O'Whippy is my fav since it took me back to my days of chasing after the ice cream guy as he flew down the street
I seem to remember that 50 cents also got me a sizeable choc top icecream cone that I could eat and wear as it melted rapidly
Ahhh memories.
18-55mm, 28-105mm USM II, 50mm f/1.8, 400mm f/5.6
Nice look at the parade
It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you're not.
Great series, I remember those Qld reain showers during summer. Would rain like hell and then get hot and sticky as hell. Mate, just thinking about it I need to go and sit in the sahde.
Believe it or not Hobart is heading for a top of 31 (87F) degrees C today. So our summer has arrived.
David Clifford