A nip of Vodka as an accessory?
Hey Folks;
I was just talking to another photographer who doesn't carry any lense cleaning supplies with him when he shhots. Instead, he carries a nip of vodka. He states the cheaper the better because it's all about the alchol content.
He informed me that he uses it to get any stray finger prints off of his lense. It's small and goes a long way. :huh
I've never heard of that before, butit kind of makes sense. So I was curious if anyone else does the same. :dunno
I was just talking to another photographer who doesn't carry any lense cleaning supplies with him when he shhots. Instead, he carries a nip of vodka. He states the cheaper the better because it's all about the alchol content.
He informed me that he uses it to get any stray finger prints off of his lense. It's small and goes a long way. :huh
I've never heard of that before, butit kind of makes sense. So I was curious if anyone else does the same. :dunno
But the best thing is not to be overly compulsive about cleaning lenses. I blow the dust off with a rocket blower or a lens brush and just stop there unless there is a real greasy smudge or a fingerprint.
It is far better to not have to clean a lens in the first place. Always use the lens hood to protect the lens also.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
When in doubt, I try the "mirror" test, which is to wipe the cleaning liquid on a plain, back-surface, mirror. If you don't see a problem there, you probably won't see a problem on your lens. (The mirror doubles the visible effect, making it more apparent. Not my idea, but good enough to adopt for a standard.)
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
You've got it wrong - you mix the vodka with OJ. Nip internally as needed. Doesn't clean a lens but soon enough you won't care if it's dirty. (Somebody had to make the obvious comment)
"Tis better keep your mouth shut and be thought of as an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"
I always keep lense cleaner in my bag just in case in need to clean a lens along with a lense pen.
I wasn't sure if I should have taken his tip seriously or not. Maybe he kept the nip in his bag WAS to mix with OJ
Cheers Marz