Well...what do YOU think?
Give me the *bottom line*-period....
No alternatives, no 'ifs', 'ans' or 'buts'....:D
I can get a full LEGAL licensed version of CS2 for $285.00 (USD...) through my job.
Should I or shouldn't I?
a little help...
I am currently using Paintshop Pro 9, Elements 3.0, and two RAW converters. I don't *need* to upgrade but....At this price it seems like a 'no brainer'.
What say ye?
No alternatives, no 'ifs', 'ans' or 'buts'....:D
I can get a full LEGAL licensed version of CS2 for $285.00 (USD...) through my job.
Should I or shouldn't I?
a little help...
I am currently using Paintshop Pro 9, Elements 3.0, and two RAW converters. I don't *need* to upgrade but....At this price it seems like a 'no brainer'.
What say ye?
If every keystroke was a shutter press I'd be a pro by now...
Yes, you should.
That's a great deal. You won't regret it.
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smugmug: www.StandOutphoto.smugmug.com
On top of being afraid that my current software will disappear or something, I wanted to get what I could while I could for a decent price. I could never pay full price. By doing that I think I am locking in reasonably priced upgrades. I would definitely get it for the price you are talking about.
It really is fantastic! Haven't used the other. But have you noticed that most of the books are written for the current photoshop. That is a point right there.
Congrats, Ginger. Way to go.
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