kodak potd
"peek-a-boo, i see you!"
this is a daughter of some very dear friends. i submitted it to kodak, and it was chosen to run on their website and the big board, today the dad works near times square, he's already planning on moving his cubicle out to the street for the day :lol3 and the mom was already going into the city today with her mom, for a broadway matinee, so serendipity strikes, they'll all get to see their little girl up in lights on broadway!
enjoy (surprising your friends) photography,
this is a daughter of some very dear friends. i submitted it to kodak, and it was chosen to run on their website and the big board, today the dad works near times square, he's already planning on moving his cubicle out to the street for the day :lol3 and the mom was already going into the city today with her mom, for a broadway matinee, so serendipity strikes, they'll all get to see their little girl up in lights on broadway!
enjoy (surprising your friends) photography,
Isn't this a wonderful shot Andy... so much detail to look at. It's just perfect.. says it all for a child portrait.
Andy... did you do much post on this?? It looks like you didn't but then it would.. come on fez up..:D
i used only a bit of rgb curves to increase the contrast some, really a slight ess-curve, bring the shadows some and the highlights up just a snidge. that's it, otherwise it's the full frame, not a crop. total in-post about 2 mins.
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It is a great shot, Andy, and congratulations! A lot of people are winners on this POTD.
I remember, I think, didn't you post that picture, like last week, or so. And it probably didn't get the attention that it deserved, in fact I know it didn't. There were a lot of "kid" shots going up at the time.
That one that was just "another" kid, well, it is a winner. I can see why it was chosen.
And, uh, Andy, maybe you could do a tutorial on pictures Kodak likes to get for POTD. I am thinking, considering your wife and this child that tight cropping looks very impressive on that big board.
Maybe I will tight crop my family in DC. But I will be using jpeg there, just gotta. Wish I had one of those memory holders, too. (I am sure my hard drive is greatful that I don't have one, lol. I have been thinking of the shock to my computer's system when I use and upload 2 1 gb cards)
congrats again, Andy.
Oh what I wanted to say is that I think Andy should be on that board. Someone near and dear, please "shoot" him, one way or another, so that he is the one in lights over Times Square.
But which lens did you use?
Another notch in your belt You're gonna need to get a new belt soon....lol A beautiful child (love the expression on her face) and an excellent capture. And as Ginger asked, what lens did you use?
Congrats on another deserving winner FWIW, If they (Kodak) weren't worried about people starting to call it the "Andy Williams POTD", they'd also pick your fisherman shot. You're problem is the opposite of most of our's. You've got too many great shots. A nice problem indeed ;-)
canon 28-135 i.s. at full zoom. iso 200, 1/30th sec, handheld, f/5.6
this is a great lens. i don't own it anymore, i sold it to dgrinner doctorit (erik)
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