seaFOOD, ginger

both done 3/11/2006, everything done then, PS finished 3/12 (for now).......
Waiting For A Table, and the best seaFOOD.
exif: f 2.8, 3200 ISO, 31mm, 1/40 sec
full frame

Fresh Fish in carolina.....

Two photos together. One was with the 16-35: the fish, then I took the 70-200 out to the bridge and photographed the water with the sky and the clouds. Both were full frame. I "shrunk" the fish
a bit with the "transform" tool, then blended them together.
photograpy by ginger
Waiting For A Table, and the best seaFOOD.
exif: f 2.8, 3200 ISO, 31mm, 1/40 sec
full frame

Fresh Fish in carolina.....

Two photos together. One was with the 16-35: the fish, then I took the 70-200 out to the bridge and photographed the water with the sky and the clouds. Both were full frame. I "shrunk" the fish
a bit with the "transform" tool, then blended them together.
photograpy by ginger
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
Love that first image, IMO fits into the challenge perfectly, especially with thguy in the window preparing the physical food and the sign in the window with the word food.
David Clifford
har har.
Beautiful photos Ginger.
Just some slight criticism, I think you should crop that arm in the first photo. It's detracting from the subject because it is very different from the other elements around it. I think it would simplify the composition.
Detroit Wedding Photography Blog
Canon 10D | 20D | 5D
Hey this was my 1000th post!
Not too sure about #2 though. I am an avid fisherman and those fish are obviously not alive so it makes it look like dead fish floating in the water, not what fishermen like to see.
I was going to show you all what it would look like cropped, but it was so bad, to me, that I couldn't stand it. I guess this challenge is just for me. As I see it, the people on either side show that it is a wait, not just a little boy sitting there alone, plus they frame the photo. The photo is full frame, I did not get more nor less than you see. I did not even rotate it, that is as it was taken, so "no, I did not get the top of the head on the man in the window". Truthfully, I knew he was there, but I took a series of those photos. I was concentrated on keeping the letters of the sign in focus and letting the action fall as it did.
We were not on a night out, we came home to eat, though that place is excellent. There is usually a long wait and that is why I went there in downtown Charleston specifically to photograph "the wait" there. I was hoping/expecting to incorporate the "food" in there somehow. I took it specifically for the challenge. We got there later than I had hoped, much later. So, what was supposed to be late day photography turned into night photography. My husband told me to forget it that there was nothing to photograph. I spent an hour or so taking photos, sometimes just sitting on the sidewalk, waiting, myself, for some action and trying to use whatever I could to show that it related to food.
Your comments were very helpful, as they helped me elimenate (sp) the "dead" fish shot. I am not a fisherman, smile. As I went to bed last night, I knew that the black and white would probably be my choice as it is a kind of photography I love but rarely do. "I pushed myself" that way.
It was with my wide angle lens (16-35L F2.8). Thanks, Andy for suggesting "strongly" that I buy it. I doubt I could have shot that without it.
ginger (More critiques and comments are still welcome.) You also may "lift" the photo and try cropping it yourself. YOu may like the way it looks better than I liked my attempts, as I explained at the top here. Prove me wrong, that is fine. As it is, I shot the photo to show people, the children around were an added "luxury" for me. I have left the "people" in the photograph without making them really important or a part of that particular photo. That is how I see it, and I don't have one with all of them, anyway. I made a fast PJ decision and got that.
To me it is a photo of the boy, the bench, and the window, with a hint of people framing the boy.
Thanks again
The fish on the other hand -- EW. Well, at least I reacted strongly,
Yes, I know it is a bit soft.
Thought it was a good idea though.
I love it... It is a style that I adore! Well done!
#1 in B&W. Good choice.
[SIZE=-1]It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. - John Lennon.[/SIZE]
What about a crop something like this? I think it looks better with just the kid. I know you are trying to show a "wait" with the other people but the kid seems to be "patiently" waiting on his own, IMO. I don't have photoshop on this pc but would also like to see the guy on the right cloned out of the shot.
Any chance you got the full face of the guy in the background?
Just some "food for thought".
Edit: I just re-read your comments on the guy in the background...oops, my bad.
I will do it later, am on a PC burn out right now, smile.
On the crop..........................will think about it, too. After I do the crop and the clone.
Plus if there are any more comments.............uh, you all that would help. Do you like the crop?
Also, someone is working on a color version, ..............?? so who knows. I was going to shoot birds this afternoon.