Advize needed on business card

I am working hard on profiling myself as a photographer. I have been fiddling with a business card. I have four options. Any comments on them would be welcome, I want to go for families and kiddies. They are my main target.
Is nr 2 the way to go?
I can take honest comments, it would mean a lot to me to have a card that actually transmits to people what I can do...
Paper and pen are ready to count votes...
Thanks guys! :scratch
Is nr 2 the way to go?
I can take honest comments, it would mean a lot to me to have a card that actually transmits to people what I can do...
Paper and pen are ready to count votes...
Thanks guys! :scratch

It IS My phone number, grin, don't you all call me or I will go broke...
My husband does not like the first one because he thinks it is too industrial.
My gut tells me to go for two, but then a lot of friends vote for the sunset.
I am marking down votes... See what comes out in the end.
I shall spare you the story of the evening shot, it was horrendous... But good for a nice memory for when I am 90... and tired of shooting munchkins.
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Sounds very reasonable David... I like the grouping idea.
I worked for a newspaper for ten years, so I always go for the type and readability first... My small side.
I will try it out with smaller type... and the grouping. Mind you, I want people to be able to see my name and number without reading glasses! (Even if they are older then 35...):D
Thank you very much for the comment. Back to my drawing table!
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Thanks Angelo, I had never seen that thread. How do I put my question in the business card thread???
I like #1 - I think the colors work well from the main portion to the sidebar of photos. #2 is my second... (Coincidentally) but I think the colors on 3 and 4 clash a little with the photos on the side.
Hers: Sony SR10, (Soon Canon 5D MKII), 85 f1.8, 28-135 USM, Stroboframe, Manfrotto NeoTec
Ours: Pair of 580 EX, Lensbaby, Studio Alien Bees, Son & TWO Daughters
I'm attracted to Card 2 with the little girl's face, but I don't like the grunge-type red font -- something a little more classic perhaps?
I'd put your phone number with your e-mail and let your name shine on the card...
In the small strip, I'd consider making that a little bigger, and I don't think the silhouette works and I just can't tell what the third photo from the top (smaller images) are at all...
I recently designed a card for Rutt:
That is similar to your concept.
Rutt sent me one sample, and it came out surprisingly well from Overnight Prints...
That is similar to your concept.
Rutt sent me one sample, and it came out surprisingly well from Overnight Prints...[/QUOTE]
Is it 3 on 2.5, the normal business card?
Your pics look bigger then mine... Shall I take out the silhouette?
the third pic is horses on a carrousel, but I can believe that it is too small on that size... I can look for another pic.
I love the card you did for Rutt... I will probably go with Overnight print too (well, not exactly as I am in UK, but heard people who are pleased with them, so I will give it a try).
Thanks Dee for your comments, thanks to the others too, I am trying to work in all the comments.
is 3.5 inches wide by 2 inches tall for the horizontal size.
Is the UK size different? I know you use A3 paper instead of our letter size which is 8.5 wide by 11 inches tall, so maybe the business cards are a different size too.
Yes... I'd suggest making your side boxes a little bigger, and using images that look good when reduced. I had a tough time picking out Rutt's photos because they had to look good at "micro" thumbnail size as I call it. I used extra contrast in curves, and extra sharpening since they went down so tiny.
I loved going thru that business card thread, so many different designs. I have to say I love Humungus's card quite a bit, because it's different...
I still haven't done mine!