Bird Migration.
I had high hopes for this weekend. Migrating birds have been reported just south of us and the weather has warmed up into the 60s durring the day.
I had THREE days off and nothing I HAVE to do. Sweet.
I went out with a friend monday. We wnet looking for a great horned owl. We found 3 of them but they were very skitish and I didn't get a decent shot.
Then we went looking for migratory ducks. Not much luck there either.
The closest we came was this pair of swans swimming in a flooded farmers feild.

I gotta a couple of so-so shots of Red Winged Black Birds and that was about it.
I went out Saturday with a different freind. We set our blinds up in a marsh. We saw lots of ducks, but they were slow to approach. When they finally did start to creep closer a SUV pulled up and three morons got out. They were wearing shorts... It was 40 degrees out. Of course 100 ducks flew into the air the minute they got out of the truck.
One of them walked down the dyke 200 yards right towards my blind which was in the open. He walked right up next to it and stood there for a minute. He had no idea I was in there. I said good morning and he jumped about a foot.
He said "what are ya doin... looking for deer?"
I said "I was photographing ducks"
He said "I aint seen any since I been here" duh
I said "I know they left when you got here"
He said "Are there any fish in there?" pointing at the wetlands area surrounded by dykes.
I said "No, I doubt it, nothing big at least. They drain them in the fall"
He walked away, back to his truck. I thought he was leaving, but he and the other two rocket scientists talked it over, and walked right along the dyke where I was and threw fishing lines in the water.
WTF did they think I was in a blind for? Ducks dont like camera's but they dont mind fisherman? Pretty inconsiderate. We had been there long before they came along.
They humg around for half an hour with NO bites and no ducks... duh again. They left, but the ducks didn't come back.
I had to resort to shooting cat tails.

What a bummer.
Well there is always NEXT weekend.
I had THREE days off and nothing I HAVE to do. Sweet.
I went out with a friend monday. We wnet looking for a great horned owl. We found 3 of them but they were very skitish and I didn't get a decent shot.
Then we went looking for migratory ducks. Not much luck there either.
The closest we came was this pair of swans swimming in a flooded farmers feild.

I gotta a couple of so-so shots of Red Winged Black Birds and that was about it.
I went out Saturday with a different freind. We set our blinds up in a marsh. We saw lots of ducks, but they were slow to approach. When they finally did start to creep closer a SUV pulled up and three morons got out. They were wearing shorts... It was 40 degrees out. Of course 100 ducks flew into the air the minute they got out of the truck.
One of them walked down the dyke 200 yards right towards my blind which was in the open. He walked right up next to it and stood there for a minute. He had no idea I was in there. I said good morning and he jumped about a foot.
He said "what are ya doin... looking for deer?"
I said "I was photographing ducks"
He said "I aint seen any since I been here" duh
I said "I know they left when you got here"
He said "Are there any fish in there?" pointing at the wetlands area surrounded by dykes.
I said "No, I doubt it, nothing big at least. They drain them in the fall"
He walked away, back to his truck. I thought he was leaving, but he and the other two rocket scientists talked it over, and walked right along the dyke where I was and threw fishing lines in the water.
WTF did they think I was in a blind for? Ducks dont like camera's but they dont mind fisherman? Pretty inconsiderate. We had been there long before they came along.
They humg around for half an hour with NO bites and no ducks... duh again. They left, but the ducks didn't come back.
I had to resort to shooting cat tails.

What a bummer.
Well there is always NEXT weekend.
On the blind subject I just bought a canoe and camo cover today as I'm hoping to get some photos of the waterfowl in a nearby lake. There are hundreds of Pintail, Teal etc. Hope I won't have your same problem with fisherman. If we get any decent weather this weak I'll hopefully post some shots to let you know how it went.
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TML Photography
I know the feeling. I've lost count of the number of shots I've lost to persons who come bumbling through the area. One time I had stalked a green heron for around 30 minutes and was getting ready to get some shots when a couple walked by with their unleashed dog. Of course the dog came rushing up and scared my subject off.
You handled your intrusion much nicer than I would have. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Looks like the swan have been getting their fill with those dirty necks. I like that shot.
** Feel free to edit my photos if you see room for improvement.**
Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if
no birds sang there except those that sang best.
~Henry Van Dyke