American Idol?
Here is a shot I took of my daughter at a recent high school concert. They were singing songs from "Hair Spray". This was the first concert I shot with my 20D, and the first time I shot at ISO 1600. The 20D at ISO 1600 looks as good, if not better than my Digital Rebel did at ISO 400! I used my 70-200L F2.8 IS (hand held) with available stage lighting.....high school stage lighting.:D
Thanks for looking!
Thanks for looking!
Always lurking, sometimes participating.
Spot-on exposure, great timing and beautiful daughter! It just looks great! I love this age we live in.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
excellent photo!-
beautiful daughter!-
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
took yellow sat all the way down and the photo is a lot closer to color corrected, if not on it-
Hey thanks for the compliments. I tried the PS thing to remove the yellow tint....Better?
And I forgot to add that I shot this at 200mm, F2.8 @ 1/500 sec, with IS on. I wanted to see what ISO 1600 would let me do.
You need to find something in the image that you could bet on, and the hair ain't it.
I used the metal railing on the floor behind her legs to get that it was yellow. If not neutral, it should be darn close to it.
EDIT: actually, the ribbed portion of the mic stand, where you tighten it is a better benchmark, IMO.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Heck I like them both.....but then again, I'm the DAD!:D
Thanks for the input everyone!