Gift Ordering (not GIFTS) :-)
How about this for a suggestion:
We woudl like to buy some VIP's and cute girls prints of photos we take... yep... cute girls... :-) Naw, but how about a way to Bill To one address and SHIP TO another?!!?!??! :dunno
THis way we, as pro users, could sends friends, family, and business folks a PRINT copy. THat is 100% in line with your initial mantra of sharing!! :-) We could share PRINTs! :clap
We woudl like to buy some VIP's and cute girls prints of photos we take... yep... cute girls... :-) Naw, but how about a way to Bill To one address and SHIP TO another?!!?!??! :dunno
THis way we, as pro users, could sends friends, family, and business folks a PRINT copy. THat is 100% in line with your initial mantra of sharing!! :-) We could share PRINTs! :clap
Every company offers something like that, I always thougt...
At the moment I've got a contest running and eventually wanted to give some prints of myself away this way as a prize.
I really would like to have this option!
Thanks a lot to pecheney for this mind opening suggestion,
SmugMug Support Hero
I'm not totally sure I understand the request... Don't we let you do this now?
Let me know what I'm missing, cuz I'm sure it's something...