Wow Cool shot, and they call it "crossing "for what reason. ?
Motocross guys do it these kind of tricks all the time, but then...they are used to falling down occasionally. Most SANE people keep the front wheel in line during a wheelie.
You do NOT want to land with the wheel "crossed up" on a sportbike.:hurt
Motocross guys do it these kind of tricks all the time, but then...they are used to falling down occasionally. Most SANE people keep the front wheel in line during a wheelie.
You do NOT want to land with the wheel "crossed up" on a sportbike.:hurt
Motocross guys do it these kind of tricks all the time, but then...they are used to falling down occasionally. Most SANE people keep the front wheel in line during a wheelie.
You do NOT want to land with the wheel "crossed up" on a sportbike.:hurt
Now that is a cool shot.
may I ask what glass you used?
So Who is "gary from SDC" anyway?
I believe, but I am not certain is that its the guy thats supplied him the bike.
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You have read the caption on the bike, right?
Cool shot though.
Interesting fairing message.
The message is a thanks to the guy who sorted the bike out on the dyno....
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