Observations on a door: My first impression was "Oh! I like it!" My next impression was I that I wanted to get closer to see the detail on the door. Most door photos are usually cropped pretty tight. But I can definitely see all that you saw when you framed this shot. There is lots to look at as your eye travels from the door to the interesting little strange box shape mark just over the door, to the wire, to the air conditioner and the window, the broken stucco, to the red paint and the lovely old patina and layers of colors in the walls. I can't say that I would want to crop any of it out....but, still I wanted to get closer. So I popped over to your Smugmug gallery and viewed it on the Large setting. Now I'm satisfied!!! Looks great in a bigger format. Your gallery was very nice as well.
:uhoh :uhoh :uhoh Sorry, gang!