All About The Nest
for Egrets in March.

Above, that is the same one as before, but I worked it up so that I like it better. I thought there was too much distraction before and that the birds were not prominent enough. This time the birds are the main focus, but the surroundings are still there, along with the reflection.
Below, shhhh, she is sleeping! I know, can't really see her, but I think it makes a "pretty" picture, and I can see her.

enjoy, comments, love them! Or just enjoy!

Above, that is the same one as before, but I worked it up so that I like it better. I thought there was too much distraction before and that the birds were not prominent enough. This time the birds are the main focus, but the surroundings are still there, along with the reflection.
Below, shhhh, she is sleeping! I know, can't really see her, but I think it makes a "pretty" picture, and I can see her.

enjoy, comments, love them! Or just enjoy!
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
Comments NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
I thought I should post them with Egret Fest, but they were the best egret shots I have from that day, so I wanted to give them their own spot. Bill is only off one day this weekend, so I don't know when I will go back out there. It is an enchanted place right now with all this lovin' goin' on.
Thanks again,
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I am too, as I am sure they are, too. It is so peaceful and beautiful! Multiple babies! Love them! It is funny to think of all that "peace" changing. Smile.
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I love that shot, Ed. When I first saw it in the LCD, I loved it. I used the 70-200 quite a bit, after using the 400 for all the early shots. I got out my wide for the reflection, but it was too wide, so I broke out the 70-200, and that is what I used for that shot and lots of the later shots.
My backpack is just too heavy! After that experience I am going to order a belt so I can take the camera in with one lens on, my 400, and the other, the 70-200L (f2.8) in a case on the belt. Or vice versa. Cards can go in my pocket. And a spare battery. That is what I really need.
That shot was very time consuming to work up properly, but I am thrilled that I did it, as now I am quite happy with the egrets. (I used a graduated filter, darkened the whole area, then magnified the egrets and took that "layer" off of them.....that was time consuming changing brush sizes and getting them "just so".).
Thanks for stopping and commenting, Ed. I am thrilled that you like that shot!
ginger (I would like to go back and concentrate on trying to find some more small birds while the folliage is still spare)
Thanks, Dog! That nest is the closest one to me, so hopefully I will be able to watch it all season.
What looks like an egg is a shell. I was going to clone it out, saw that it was a shell, debated with myself, but decided to leave it in as one of life's little imperfections. I can always clone it out if it became too distracting to me. It is curious as to how it got there?
Last year I watched as one of the birds laid an egg right about in that area. The light wasn't as good, or I wasn't, smile, but I still have that shot. The problem is, though, they build those nests up, so the eggs might be there, but they are nicely hidden.
So climb a tree! Come on, woman. Get the shot!!!
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Is that an egg there in the 1st shot
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