A shot in the dark (rugby)
Went to shoot my local team last night, oh my god it was dark even with the flood lights on, this is the first time shooting under floodlights at night
C+C welcome good or bad, all shots underexposed 2 stops
10D + 200 2.8
1 iso 1600/1/400th/2.8 -2 stops

2 iso 1600/1/400th/2.8 -2 stops

3 iso 1600/ 1/200th/2.8 -2 stops

4 iso 1600 / 1/80th 2.8 -2 stops
C+C welcome good or bad, all shots underexposed 2 stops
10D + 200 2.8
1 iso 1600/1/400th/2.8 -2 stops

2 iso 1600/1/400th/2.8 -2 stops

3 iso 1600/ 1/200th/2.8 -2 stops

4 iso 1600 / 1/80th 2.8 -2 stops

The exposure was bad, i had to underexpose by 2 stops to get some speed
which caused the noise and the 10D only goes upto iso1600 but is bad at handling noise, this shot is iso 1600 but i got the exposure right don't know how
I've come to love Noiseware and NeatImage or at least accept them.
my words, my "pro"pictures, my "fun" pictures, my videos.
its free to try out and im sure it will help improve a lot of your photos' noise problems. otherthan the noise, those are some good shots there.
You did a good job with that shot, i have noise ninja but don't think i used it on that shot
Thank's Mr peas
I have tried neatimage but went with Noise ninja
I think the 20D would have done better with the noise.
But the noise might actually work well with black and white conversions. Post one up if you try it.
Tied a 20d didn't like it , i have big hands the 20d is a quite a bit smaller than the 10D
It's not the size of your equipment it's what you do with it