52x78 prints
Anybody know where I can get that size printed. I thought I had came across a place but now can't remember what website.
"A photo is like a hamburger. You can get one from McDonalds for $1, one from Chili's for $5, or one from Ruth's Chris for $15. You usually get what you pay for, but don't expect a Ruth's Chris burger at a McDonalds price, if you want that, go cook it yourself." - me
This lab will do a 40 / 48 X 72 / 96 inch prints.....but I have not seen a 52 X 78 listed anywhere sorry
Yes, I use www.bigposters.com, fantastic outfit. They answer your questions, use GF to upres, and provide quality work.
and, here's an example of mine:
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Type "52x78 prints" or something similar into Google, you'll find a place.
Thanks for the great and prompt feedback everybody.
I am in the process of talking to my company about a photo for our lobby. I was showing them prints and looking at a photo size of 20"X30" and thinking of a frame size of 28"X38".
After seeing your 4'X6" print I am wondering if I could get a 6MP file to upsize and print at say 40"X60" approximately depending on crop etc, and have it mounted to say gator board and hang it directly to the wall with out any frame or matting.
Looking at the price list this would actually be less expensive than mat / frame for a smaller photo.
How is the quality? What do you think about this for a commercial lobby?
Thanks again for your thoughts and expertise.
You can get one at Pixel Outpost. I was looking to go large with a print and they told me they could go as large as 54 x 80.
You have to contact them directly for that size, however. The largest they will print without a conversation is 60 x 72.
I had them print a 40" x 60" print from a 6 meg pix D70. (Story here)
They told me I could go as large as 54 x 80 with that image. It depends on the image, but they are really good at letting you know.
I have only used them for printing on canvas or watercolor paper. But I have a friend who has used them for their regular photo paper.
They don't do mounting, though.
Hi Sam,
I sold several 4' 6' prints to corporations for Lobby use. You'll be very surprised, as was I, at the quality from even a 5mpx camera! Remember, you can print a highway billboard from 3mpx - it's all about viewing distance
The quality, from www.bigposters.com is outstanding. I am very impressed. You'll want to find a local shop though, or at least getting it mounted on Gator locally - because once it's mounted, shipping is rediculously expensive.
Good luck!
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