"Sweet Temptation" thoughts & suggestions pls

Ever stare into a plate full of sweets and all you see is tunnel vision?
Well thats the feel I was aiming for. Tell me what you think, suggestions, etc.
Well thats the feel I was aiming for. Tell me what you think, suggestions, etc.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a sudden urge to go buy a dozen donuts. Mmmmm, dooonuuuts.......
Anyway, the top is hard to remove, I used neutral density filters to create the 'zoom' effect. And the shutters in the back were all stationary and when zooming in, usually all the other lines would move however, the one in the middle wouldnt since its perpendicular to the subject I was shooting and it was right in the middle where it stayed in the same position with 'zoom' effect.
I'll try to use photoshop to lighten it.
But how do you guys feel about the bottom right hand side of the donuts, are they took dark to you?
Does it make you crave for some good ol' Krispy Kremes?
It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you're not.
I'm in love... Like it a lot!
[SIZE=-1]It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. - John Lennon.[/SIZE]
Thanks guys (and gals), I think I'm ready to punch my photo into the thread. But does anyone else have any thoughts or anything? Anything helps.
Get some of those for us to try?
Awsome shot, I can almost taste em'
hah, thanks again for everyone's input. I was going to submit it the way it looks up top. But after seeing it over and over and reading what people thought and stuff, I think I was able to make it look even better. Wish me luck! Gotta' get myself a win!! hah.
I'd crop it in just a little tighter. In particular I didn't like the very top left, and I think some minor cropping will get rid of that light spot, and still give the floating feel to the image.
Can you guys notice that the plate is actually on a table? The sunlight lines on the table shows up enough to me that can show that it is on a table. I'm not sure if everyone here just sees it floating in midair
Well, my server went down recently for a few hours, its back up now but it went out during the challenge's hour of judgement thus my entry was disqualified. I wish they could still do something about it but everyoen on here are very strict on rules & conduct. Next time I'll upload it through here AND link it off site. Talk about bad luck ;( Oh well thats life. I did include what I was going to turn in right here, I think it looks much better than the first one I posted. Thanks for everyone's help though, I'll try again for the next challenge