I took these yesterday before dusk, late afternoon, hence the gold in the light.
I took a lot of photos, many of Night Herons, and some of egrets, even a gator (I never post the gators). But I just worked these two up as I was particularly fond of them at the time I was sorting the photos.
They are now on page two. I am busy myself and have many personal situations going on, to say the least of shooting, sorting, working photos up and posting them. So I know what it is like: no time, nor inclination to comment. Fatigue. I myself am going into the most busy of photography seasons where doing all I need to do will be difficult.
But I did not want this to sink to the second page without feedback of some sort. The heron in the trees, that is almost full frame. He is that far away, but I did shoot that photo with the heron in different places. I can change things with suggestions. I loved it, but I could be wrong.
On the Egret, well, to my amazement, the egret decided to cross the "people" path. I sat down on his level, but in my own excitement, I seem to have lost a foot, can't get it back. But overall I thought the photo was outstanding in that the bird looks to be in a pose for "champion" at a dog show. I thought the bokeh in the background was good. It was darker, I made it a bit lighter, could go back to darker.......... as it is, it looks kind of like a tapestry to me. I love the tail of the bird.
I could be wrong, or there may be a way I could make things better. I took a shadow off the face of the egret. I imagine I could take the one off the back of him, but I don't know if that would help.
i love the egret shot, how he stands out around his glowing background, and the gentle shadows on his white body... only nitpicket is that he has no feet. lovely photos though Ginger.
For those who come after, he does have ONE foot! I thought I had lost them both, but he had lifted one to step with, it is behind the leg without a foot (showing).
I appreciate your stopping and commenting!! Super of you, Daniel!
I took these yesterday before dusk, late afternoon, hence the gold in the light.
I took a lot of photos, many of Night Herons, and some of egrets, even a gator (I never post the gators). But I just worked these two up as I was particularly fond of them at the time I was sorting the photos.
They are now on page two. I am busy myself and have many personal situations going on, to say the least of shooting, sorting, working photos up and posting them. So I know what it is like: no time, nor inclination to comment. Fatigue. I myself am going into the most busy of photography seasons where doing all I need to do will be difficult.
But I did not want this to sink to the second page without feedback of some sort. The heron in the trees, that is almost full frame. He is that far away, but I did shoot that photo with the heron in different places. I can change things with suggestions. I loved it, but I could be wrong.
On the Egret, well, to my amazement, the egret decided to cross the "people" path. I sat down on his level, but in my own excitement, I seem to have lost a foot, can't get it back. But overall I thought the photo was outstanding in that the bird looks to be in a pose for "champion" at a dog show. I thought the bokeh in the background was good. It was darker, I made it a bit lighter, could go back to darker.......... as it is, it looks kind of like a tapestry to me. I love the tail of the bird.
I could be wrong, or there may be a way I could make things better. I took a shadow off the face of the egret. I imagine I could take the one off the back of him, but I don't know if that would help.
Any comments?
smugmug: www.StandOutphoto.smugmug.com
For those who come after, he does have ONE foot! I thought I had lost them both, but he had lifted one to step with, it is behind the leg without a foot (showing).
I appreciate your stopping and commenting!! Super of you, Daniel!